Tran Replication

  • Does Insert only replication replicated only committed inserts to subscriber or does it even try to replicate failed inserts??

    Apparently I had insert failures at publisher due to PK violation, but the same error appeared at subscriber thereby failing the this normal behavior? What is a potential fix for such issue?


  • Hi,

    Pk violation is what you should be looking at and try to analyse as why this violation has happened.

  • Yes, I know my best bet is to find why PK violations happened in the first place. But, these duplicate data was rejected by SQL Server already, then why did I get error messages in replication monitor where it says Distributor to subscriber getting PK violations..?

  • Any other ideas guys..I want to fix or reason this weird behavior but haven't found any help...Thanks.

  • Is it because someone is directly updating the subscriber database?


  • what type of transactional replication are you using? is it queued or immediate updating. If its immediate then i believe it will try and commit the transaction at both the publisher and subscriber before committing the transaction, that could be your issue. im not 100% on that though.

    ps, add verbose output to the replication job and make sure its the same transaction making your replication fail

  • Its a unidirectional replication with immediate update. We didn't such errors before, so I can tell that it will not replicate until it commits on publisher. My guess is someone inserted on the subscriber and that messed up everything...can that be the case??

  • T_SqueaKquel (4/28/2010)

    Its a unidirectional replication with immediate update. We didn't such errors before, so I can tell that it will not replicate until it commits on publisher. My guess is someone inserted on the subscriber and that messed up everything...can that be the case??

    yes that would be a more feasible reason if permissions allow someone to do that. There are a few ways around it

    1) Dont allow inserts on the subscriber side

    2) If you are going to allow inserts then change your replication type to either merge or transactional with updateable subscribers, that way you can let sql manage your identity ranges (or you can do it yourself), that way the primary key is never duplicated

    3) If you dont want the inserted subscriber details showing on the publisher then you could chnage the identity seed on the subscriber side so that it starts at -1 and takes off -1 each time (assuming your publisher uses a 1,1 identity seed right now. That way you know all the negatives have been inserted on the subscriber side. If you do do this then make sure your identity column has the "not for replication" enabled so that the replicated values dont use a negative seed.


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