Tracking database change when executiong package

  • I have question and confusion. what to do on this situation. working on ssis package runs every night during that update i have seen there is lots of data integrity error. just checking on error i could not clearly see the flow of data. what is the best way to track the database change. i have never use event handler is it a solution for that.. i have already tried ddl trigger which only logged the ddl event... i am trying to avoid trigger on tables for performance issue... what would be the best solution.



  • Sagar,

    I'm not sure what you are asking. Do you want to know when an insert or update in your SSIS package causes a data integrity error and be able to see the data that caused it? Or, do you want to log all changes that are being made to the database?

  • Thanks,

    ya i wanted to log those changes. i am doing with trigger right now trigger and it will disable after execution complete. Is there any other option with out trigger.


  • Which changes the errors or ALL data changes?

    If you want to see all data changes the best way, IMO, is to use triggers on the table. I suppose in SSIS you could add a new output to your last transform before the insert/update occurs and send it out to another destination table for logging, but you still have a similar impact on your server. The benefit may be that you release locks on the main table sooner, but if you have an error in the logging insert you'd lose the audit trail.

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