Track databases files growth rate.

  • As a DBA I often need to watch SQL server disk space. I got alerts then I request more from network engineer. Sometimes the manager ask me to give a report of database growth like the increase rate by month of last 6 months.

    Like the drive we have




    I know I can do something like to query backupset table to find out backup file growth.

    and can query sys.masterfiles and then save into a table , collect by each month.

    I don't have a script or process of doing this yet,

    But would like to know from other DBA, what is your method of doing this?

    Basically I want to give them a history of size growth in above 3 directories?


  • I like this one, run it once per week or month and log to a table. Can even go dim/fact tables and load into a cube, then create some nice graphed reports off in excel or ssrs



    select @@ServerName As SQLServerName, dbid,, d.compatibility_level, convert(decimal(18,2), (sum(size)*8)/1024.0) as db_size_in_mb

    , (select convert(decimal(18,2), (Sum(size)*8)/1024.0) from sys.sysaltfiles

    where dbid=saf.dbid and groupid=0

    group by groupid) as log_size_in_mb

    , Round(((select convert(decimal(18,2), (Sum(size)*8)/1024.0) from sys.sysaltfiles

    where dbid=saf.dbid and groupid=0 group by groupid)

    / convert(decimal(18,2),(sum(size)*8)/1024.0))* 100,2) as log_size_percent

    , (select max(backup_finish_date) from msdb.dbo.backupset b

    where type = 'D'

    and b.database_name = as LastFullBackup

    , (select max(backup_finish_date) from msdb.dbo.backupset b

    where type = 'L'

    and b.database_name = as LastLogBackup

    , d.recovery_model_desc

    , d.create_date

    from master.sys.sysaltfiles saf

    join master.sys.databases d on saf.dbid=d.database_id

    where groupid>0 and dbid not in (1,3,4)

    group by dbid,, d.compatibility_level, d.recovery_model_desc, d.create_date

    order by db_size_in_mb desc

    Chris Becker

  • Thanks, this is good for tracking database size change. I will give it a try.

    Also how about the way to check above 3 directories growth?

  • I don't understand, datafiles grow in your dbData directory, log files grow in your dbLog dir, and backups grow in your dbBak dir. Additionally use the backup_size in backupset table for bak dir. The script I gave tracks growth of dir contents.

    Chris Becker

  • Those help.

    I didn't see backup size in this query. Do you mean create another query using backupSet to achieve that?


    I wonder if a way to check directly the folder or a drive space growth not in a database standpoint, but checking from NTFS system and save that in a table?


  • You could use wmi for that, ssis has a wmi transform

    Chris Becker

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