Track data change in a table.

  • There is no error. It acts as if it runs but i never get a email, but it does update the table.

    i also created a stored procedure and tried to have the trigger call that, but i never get a email.

    If I run exec AUDIT_UPDATE_RM00101email which is the name of the sp from management studio is sends the email fine

    Here is the sp i created.

    -- =============================================

    -- Author:<Larry Carrethers>

    -- Create date: <11/29/2009>

    -- Description:<This Stored Procedure sends a email out after a address has been

    -- Changed in GP. This is called by AUDIT_UPDATE_RM00101 Trigger>

    -- =============================================


    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here


    @user-id varchar(20),

    @getdate-2 varchar(39),

    @OldValue varchar(50),

    @NewValue varchar(50),

    @FieldName varchar(50),

    @sql varchar(1000),



    SET@DBNAME= 'Test5' --set this variable as the name of your database

    SET@sql= 'SELECT Date_Changed, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue, UserID

    FROM ' + @DBNAME + '.dbo.AUDIT_Table WHERE Date_Changed >= ' + char(39) +

    convert(varchar(21), GetDate(), 101) + char(39)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail

    @recipients = '',

    -- @copy_recipients = @COPY_RECIPIENTS,

    -- @blind_copy_recipients = @BLIND_COPY_RECIPIENTS,

    @subject = 'Address changed',

    @message = "Attached is a list of address's that have been changed today",

    @query = @sql,

    @attach_results = 'TRUE',

    @width = 250

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