Track Connected Client Information

  • Hi all,

    I am interested in tracking certain client information for all users who connect to my sql servers.  Specifically, I would like to track the specific program they are using to connect and, if via sql server, which version and service pack level.  Sysprocesses was my first thought, but not detailed enough!

    Any thoughts?


    - Dan B

  • Here is the script I used to trace the user access to my system. I schedued it to run every one minutes. It may not complete statisfy your requirement.

    declare @host varchar(50)   

    declare @login varchar(50)   

    declare @dbname varchar(50)   

    declare @message varchar(1000)   

    declare @program_name varchar(500)   


    declare whois cursor    

    for select distinct    

    rtrim(hostname) as hostname,   

    rtrim(loginame) as loginame,   

    rtrim(db_name(dbid)) as dbname,   

    rtrim(program_name) as program_name   

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses   

    where len(hostname) > 0    

      and program_name = 'microsoft® access'   


    open whois   


    fetch next from whois into @host, @login, @dbname, @program_name   


    while @@fetch_status = 0    


    select @message = 'xp_cmdshell ' + char(39) + 'net send xxxxxxxxx User ' + @host + ' is accessing ' + @dbname + ' data with ' + @program_name + '.' + char(39)   

    execute (@message)   

    print (@message)   

    fetch next from whois into @host, @login, @dbname, @program_name   


    deallocate whois   


    If you need completed information, run Profiler all the time to your system. 

  • Thanks Allen.

    That looks like a handy script.  Unfortunately it does not provide all the information I needed.  I tried all the options and columns in profiler that looked close, but no luck.  It may be the case that that data regarding specific client application and service pack level is not sent to the server, in which case what I want is impossible.

    Thanks again.

    -Dan B

  • The client has to input their application name is the DSN connection string. Otherwise, It wouldn't show up in sysprocesses.

  • But, what about clients connecting directly via EM?  Is it possible to collect their local sql service pack level?


    -Dan B

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