Touble with query using a temp table to compare and update existing table

  • First I want to thank you guys for your help and suggestions.... I did figure out what was going on and it seems pretty bone head on my part but I am still a novice when it comes to writing query's.

    After verifying that CSV was correct and that there were no characters line feeds carriage returns spaces etc. I returned to the parameters for the file input/ bulk insert which is where the problem actually was.

    The original code

    bulk insert namefile

    from 'f:\list.csv'

    with (

    datafiletype = 'char',

    fieldterminator = '","', <======= Problem 1

    rowterminator = '\r', <====== Problem 2

    errorfile = 'f:\inp_err.log'


    Which was fine for the single column csv file it read that fine once I added the second column to the csv file it just puked. Once I corrected the code it read the file in correctly with no extra blank record and I was able to query the tables correctly.

    Corrected Code

    bulk insert namefile

    from 'f:\list3.csv'

    with (

    datafiletype = 'char',

    fieldterminator = ',', <===== removed double quotes Not sure what I was thinking there

    rowterminator = '/n', <===== new line instead of CR/LF

    errorfile = 'f:\inp_err.log'


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