TOP 3 date per id

  • Hi all,

    can you help me how to find 3 latest date per id???


    ID                Date

    1               1/1/06

    1               3/12/06

    1               3/13/06

    1               4/11/06

    1               4/19/06

    2               1/1/06

    2               3/12/06

    2               3/13/06

    2               4/11/06

    2               4/19/06

    3               1/1/06

    3               3/12/06

    3               3/13/06

    3               4/11/06

    3              4/19/06


    I can have a result

    ID                Date

    1               1/1/06

    1               3/12/06

    1               3/13/06

    2               1/1/06

    2               3/12/06

    2               3/13/06

    3               1/1/06

    3               3/12/06

    3               3/13/06



  • create table #tempo (id int, generated bit)

    insert into #tempo (id, generated)

    select distinct id, 0 from [YOUR_TABLE]


    create table #temp1 (id1 int, date1 datetime)

    declare @id int

    while exists (select * from #tempo where generated = 0)


     select top 1 @id = id from #tempo where generated = 0 order by id asc

     insert into #temp1 ([id1], [date1])

     select top 3 id, date from [YOUR_TABLE] where id = @id order by date asc

     update #tempo set generated = 1 where id = @id



    select * from #temp1

    drop table #temp1

    drop table #tempo


    ---That should be all....hope that helps



  • Hi all,

    Here's a simpler way...


    set dateformat mdy

    declare @t table (ID int, Date datetime)

    insert @t

              select 1, '1/1/06'

    union all select 1, '3/12/06'

    union all select 1, '3/13/06'

    union all select 1, '4/11/06'

    union all select 1, '4/19/06'

    union all select 2, '1/1/06'

    union all select 2, '3/12/06'

    union all select 2, '3/13/06'

    union all select 2, '4/11/06'

    union all select 2, '4/19/06'

    union all select 3, '1/1/06'

    union all select 3, '3/12/06'

    union all select 3, '3/13/06'

    union all select 3, '4/11/06'

    union all select 3, '4/19/06'


    select * from @t a where (select count(*) from @t where id = and date <= <= 3

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Just out of curiosity I tested both examples above. I wanted to see what the difference in performance would be. I ran both against a 20 million+ row table.

    RyanRandall's solution took 17:25 and returned 3,770,000 rows.

    Grasshopper's temp table solution ran for 2 hours before I killed it. I decided the difference had been well illustrated by then. It had only processed 1584 of the 1,360,000 distinct id's it had identified. Of course, if you were working with much smaller tables, it might not be such a big deal.


    "Thought provoking quote goes here"

  • Hi,

    Use this Query it may be benificial to you :

    Declare @COUNT INT,@str varchar(4000),@ntop int

    SELECT @COUNT=COUNT(distinct r_id) FROM tbl_date

    set @ntop=@count * 3

    print @ntop

    set @STR='select * from

       (select top ' + convert(varchar,@ntop) + '  r_id,dt from tbl_date group by r_id,dt order by dt desc)a

      ORDER BY 1,2 desc'


    Use you table : instead of tbl_date


    Amit Gupta



  • sorry Boss,

    You have to change your Query, You have to use acs in place of dsc like

    select top ' + convert(varchar,@ntop) + '  r_id,dt from tbl_date group by r_id,dt order by dt desc


    select top ' + convert(varchar,@ntop) + '  r_id,dt from tbl_date group by r_id,dt order by dt ASC




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