top 100 of every table in one database

  • I have been tasked to transfer Data from one database and covert it suitable for another database.

    To start I would like to know the extent ot the tables

    I have tried to create a script that reads all the table names (with more than one rowcount), that works, then does a Select Top 100 on the dynamic table that almost works, now ideally I need to dump the test data to excel or into a seperate database to analyse each batch of data. this is a problem as I am selecting into temp tables and haven't got the grasp of copying all 100 line dynamically to an new seperate database with the same column heading, and cannot find a script to modify to dump into excel

    Any pointer would be helpful to an untrained beginner, first part of my code below


    DECLARE @lngTabCount INTEGER

    DECLARE @lngLoopCount INTEGER


    DECLARE @sql varchar(1000)

    Create table #tmp1 (numID INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1),tables sysname)

    USE EPDS01

    INSERT INTO #tmp1

    select [Table] = left(object_name(id), 65)

    from dbo.sysindexes

    where indid                             < 2

      and objectproperty(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1

    and rows > 0

    Order by [Table]

    SET @lngTabCount = @@ROWCOUNT +1

    SET @lngLoopCount = 1

    USE EPDS01

    WHILE @lngLoopCount <@lngTabcount


    SET @strTabName = (SELECT [tables] FROM #tmp1 WHERE numID = @lngLoopCount Group By [tables])

    SELECT [tables] FROM #tmp1 WHERE numID = @lngLoopCount Group By [tables]

    SELECT @sql = 'SELECT Top 100 * FROM '

    SELECT @sql = @sql + @strTabname

    Exec ( @sql)

    SET @lngLoopCount = @lngLoopCount + 1


    drop table #tmp1




  • Undocumented, but it should work:

    EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?)>0 SELECT TOP 100 * INTO NewDatabase.? FROM ?'


  • works a treat   thank you 

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