Top 10 based on multiple criteria

  • Hi All,

    Hoping you can help as my search as been abit fruitless so far!

    So I have an sp which pulls titles based on a wildcard search of key words/titles.

    I need to just pull out the top 10 for each of the search terms that the user has input. I have tried several things with rank and row_number in the query but these didn't work.

    So the sp is this:

    USE [DB]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[rpt_TOP_10_JOB_TITLES_POSTED_SALES_PERF] Script Date: 23/03/2016 14:31:21 ******/





    CREATE Procedure [dbo].[rpt_TOP_10_JOB_TITLES_POSTED_SALES_PERF]


    @CLUSTER_CODE as nvarchar(3),

    @START_MONTH as nvarchar(2),

    @START_YEAR as nvarchar(4),

    @END_MONTH as nvarchar(2),

    @END_YEAR as nvarchar(4),

    @TITLES as varchar(8000)




    -- exec [dbo].[rpt_TOP_10_JOB_TITLES_POSTED_SALES_PERF] 'SUK','1','2013','12','2013

    set nocount on

    declare @START_DATE AS datetime

    declare @END_DATE AS datetime

    /*SET @START_DATE = @START_YEAR + right('0' + @START_MONTH, 2) + '01'

    SET @END_DATE = @END_YEAR + right ('0' +@END_MONTH, 2) + '01'

    SET @END_DATE = Dateadd(m,1,@END_DATE)*/

    set @START_DATE = try_parse(@START_YEAR + '-' + @START_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00' as datetime);

    set @END_DATE = try_parse(@END_YEAR + '-' + @END_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00' as datetime);

    set @END_DATE = DateAdd(m,1,@END_DATE)


    select count(distinct v.REF) as [No of Refs],

    v.TITLE as [Title],


    from Ref V

    inner join SITE_CLUSTER_X scx with (NOLOCK) on V.AGENCY_CC = scx.SITE_CODE and scx.CLUSTER_CODE = @cluster_code

    -- Here's the magic

    inner join dbo.DelimitedSplit8k(@TITLES, ',') s ON V.TITLE like '%' + s.Item + '%'


    where v.CREATE_DATE >= cast(@START_DATE as datetime)

    and v.CREATE_DATE < cast(@END_DATE as datetime)

    group by s.Item, v.TITLE

    order by s.item, [No of Refs] desc



    The results look like this (just adding a small cross section):

    No of Refs Title Item

    16Marketing Officer Office

    16Employment Engagement OfficerOffice

    15Customer Service Officer Office

    73Commercial Property SolicitorProperty

    39Property Manager Property

    36Residential Property SolicitorProperty

    What I want is to get the top 10 of each of the item(s) that are entered in by the user to appear in the table.

    I have tried matching the parameter to the items but to no availa so any help is appreciated.

  • Without CREATE TABLE statements for the tables and INSERT statements for sample data, and with no posted exact required output, you are leaving a lot to the imagination.

    However, if I understand the requirement correctly, I think you'll need something like:

    SELECT Name, the, columns

    FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8k(@TITLES, ',') AS s


    (SELECT TOP(10) More, columns, to, name

    FROM dbo.Ref AS v

    WHERE v.Title LIKE '%' + s.Item + '%'

    ORDER BY Whatever);

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Hugo, my apologies as it was an SSRS question I didn't post more but you are right best to put everything on here.

    Actually what you gave me worked perfectly, so really appreciated. I have used it in Dev so far, so will look at prod next.

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