Too much deletion...

  • I have this statement


    FROM (SELECT * FROM #CL_FINAL WHERE CorrectResponseID = 1) AS CL1,

    (SELECT * FROM #CL_FINAL WHERE CorrectResponseID = 4) AS CL4

    WHERE CL1.Address1 = CL4.Address1 AND CL1.CompanyID = CL4.CompanyID

    but it deletes all the records from my temporarly #CL_FINAL table, what I'd want is for it to only delete the limited 332 records as displayed here:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT * FROM #CL_FINAL WHERE CorrectResponseID = 1) AS CL1,

    (SELECT * FROM #CL_FINAL WHERE CorrectResponseID = 4) AS CL4

    WHERE CL1.Address1 = CL4.Address1 AND CL1.CompanyID = CL4.CompanyID

    what did I miss?




  • maybe my post is confusing.. let me reword it... hmm,

    you see the statement above (the one w/ the delete) is somehow not taking into consideration the where clause below it. I would have though that If I replace the SELECT * with a DELETE #CL_Final would only delete the same records pulled from the SELECT *, is this thinking wrong? is my syntax wrong... any pointers will help, I've checked BOL and that's how I came up with this statement.



  • I think that this might work:



    where CorrectResponseID = 1 or CorrectResponseID = 4

    Here is how I would delete based on joins to other tables:



    join #anotherTable on = #anotherTable.col2

    join #yetanotherTable on = #yetanotherTable.col2

    Before I ever run this type of statement, I test what would be deleted with this:


    select * FROM #CL_FINAL

    join #anotherTable on = #anotherTable.col2

    join #yetanotherTable on = #yetanotherTable.col2

  • Thank you that is a big help...this is the script I am gonna go with...



    ON CL1.Address1 = CL4.Address1 AND CL1.CompanyID = CL4.CompanyID

    WHERE CL1.CorrectResponseID = 4

    which effectively deletes all CorrectResponseID 4's that have a corresponding record as a correctresponseID 1, (no need for both).

    Thank you for your help... I was at wits ends, it seems all I had was a goofy join there.



  • ok I think that I get you now...

    join a table to itself on address and companyID

    and delete rows where response is a 4 for one and a 1 for the other.

    select * from CL as CL1

    join CL as CL2 on CL1.address=CL2.address and CL1.companyID = CL2.companyID

    where (CL1.response = 1 and CL2.response = 4)

    /*This condition will double the rows returned.-->*/

    --or (CL1.response = 4 and CL2.response = 1)

    Yep makes sense.

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