Too Many Databases

  • I've got a SQL 2000 server with 39 user databases on, probably 34 are live, how do you know when there are too many databases? Is there a recommended number of databases per server, non of them are that large, about 100Gb in data total?

  • it all depends on what kind of load is being put on them. I would look at your system resources to determine if another server is needed, or if you could put more DBs on that server. things to check are CPU usage, memory, disk space and I/O. Those are the major areas to get you started.

  • Well I have servers which have more than 100 databases on it. It all depends on the kind os server you have in terms of CPU,memory,disk I/O.

    So you need to monitor these things.

  • I've seen production servers with 250 databases on them.

    As mentioned above, the number of databases doesn't matter. It's what they are doing.

  • So just out of curiosity... how many database server do you support and how many databases?



  • I think the # of servers/databases one supports can be misleading. Here we have 25 prod servers running about 300 dbs production only... not counting test.... 200 of them are very small hands off until there is an upgrade. Some of the larger ones or mid sized ones that are used by all of our stores requires more attention.

    We have a Staff of 5 DBAs but I am really the only true SQL Server DBA, we have a ton of stuff in Oracle and DB2. I support SQL Server and help out with Oracle.

    Soon we are going to have some almost TB sized SQL DBs coming and I will be taking over DBA support for another brand we are owned by that has 13 more prod SQL Servers that had no DBA on site.

  • Number of databases per server only matters when it starts to cause maintenance problems.

    For example, if you split up data between multiple databases, and then have to synch it for a test server, it can be a problem to get all the databases to match up.

    But if the data doesn't tie together across databases, it's really not an issue.

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    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Leon Orlov-255445 (1/27/2010)

    So just out of curiosity... how many database server do you support and how many databases?

    Could you please post new questions in a new thread in future, rather than resurrecting a 3-year old thread.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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