To The Moon

  • ...instead of crying about what the government does not do, get together with the other leaders of business and solve the problem.  Get all of them to give 1/10 of 1% of their total output towards solving the problems with education. 

    Better yet Run for Office and do something about it yourself.  I am betting you are not willing to take the pay cut.


    Leaders of business are too busy trying to get the government to give them some more breaks by letting them hire more cheap guest workers. Leaders of business are not concerned with anything except tomorrow's stock price. Leaders of the past did not have the privilege of sitting on their laurels and paying politicians to stifle their opposition for them. Pay cut? I bet he's make a mint in legal "campaign" bribes.

    The fact is that we spend about twice as much as necessary on the defense program. We also pay for the educations of thousands of foreign nationals while ignoring our own kids.

    I'm not even saying that the government needs to do something to fix the problem. What we really need is for them to undo the trouble they have already caused. Stop protecting big business from the small competitor and stop bringing in cheap labor from outside the U.S. Their aren't any jobs Americans won't do but there are jobs that business won't pay a fair wage to do.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • Did you watch the special on Good Morning America yesterday about the workers in China?  It is scary in the sense that they are willing to sleep at their desk or in dormitories on wooden cots to get the job done.  The point of the special was that we can't compete with them for low cost labor 'cause we don't want to choose those sacrifices and they do.  The bottom line of the special:  We need to get better educated to stay ahead.

  • NASA gave us Tang in the 60's, the DOD via the Manhattan project gave us Teflon in the 40's. Which is more valuable today ?


    (This really ought to stir things up !)

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • It still comes back to Bush is spending ~$20 Billion (What will probably go to NOLA out of the $60 Billion) to clean up a problem that could have been prevented for ~$200 Million over the last 30 years (since Camille).

    So gutting $8 Bil a year from NASA doesn't buy us anything. Polititcians screwed NOLA over the last 30+ yrs and now we are going to pay for this didsaster for about the next 30 years. And it still doesn't really address the fact that NOLA is below sea-level.

    Throw in if Rita shifts some more to the right by Saturday, these guys might be looking for a new home permanently.

    Besides, I still think the smartest new energy source would be solar microwave satelites downloading energy into the grid.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Ha!  Ha!  It doesn't stir me up, Rudy.  Have you ever heard of the Space Pen Myth about how NASA spent millions on developing a pen that worked in space and the Russions just used a pencil?  It's not true! 

    The U.S. didn't make the darn pen and it didn't cost millions.  By the way, both the American and Soviet astronauts used the Fischer pen.  Also, ever fly in space with a broken pencil lead floating around?

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