To Replicate or not to Replicate

  • Hmm. Here's what I want -

    A live, nearly 24 hour up document management system which is based on NT4/SQL 7, to be migrated to a physically other W2K/SQL 2K server (same domain), and the database name (as presents on the network) has to be the same.

    Set up failover and pull the cord ?

    Clustering ?

    Replication by Merlin ?

    Suggestions please ? Preferably by those who have been there, done that.

    Have never touched repl within SQL Server (done others tho)


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Do you have any amount of down time ?

    Log shipping is another option.

    The name thing is biggest problem I see. How do you have both servers up but called the same thing. Wouldn't have thought you could cluster NT and W2K together.

    If you have a window I would log ship and then take down the SQL7 box, rename the sql2000 box and reboot. You could do something with Ip addresses but you then have the proogation time though your network.

    Sorry not just some thoughts.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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