To improve the performance of the query.

  • Is any thing need change with the code to improve the performance of query to retrieve data from view very faster. I don't know how to attach the code separately. That the reason i am pasting here.





    /****** Object: View [dbo].[vw_bla_trans_all] Script Date: 03/05/2009 09:14:23 ******/

    CREATE view [dbo].[vw_bla_trans_all]


    select fbt.*

    from LOANACTDM.dbo.fact_bla_trans fbt (NOLOCK)

    inner join udp_cust_params ucp

    on fbt.cust_no = ucp.cust_no

    where isnull(channel_cd,' ') =

    case when fbt.cust_no != '0306A' THEN isnull(channel_cd,' ')

    when isnull(channel_cd,' ') in (





    ) then isnull(channel_cd,' ') ELSE 'IGNORE CHANNEL'



    I am not able to use any indexes on view, i need to use schema binding concept on view when created.

    But i am not able to do that. Because tables are from different databases.

    Will any one help me to improve the logic on query, that would be great.

  • Please don't use no locks without knowing all the dangerous consequences :

    If you can't change anything index or table design wise, then there's not much we'll be able to do with this.

    The best I could offer atm is to make sure your tables are not fragmented and stats updated with fullscan.

  • Another important thing to note, you are using select * in your view. This will hold the current columns at the time you build the view. It will NOT be dynamic and update the columns in your view if the underlying table structure changes.

    I second Remi's comment about nolock, given that this looks like a financial application I will second my own comment about not doing that.


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  • :w00t: fitting OP name and thread icon to describe the use of nolock πŸ˜€

  • Wouldn't the WHERE clause be equal to


    fbt.cust_no != '0306A'

    OR channel_cd in ('Correspond','Correspondent','Retail','Wholesale','IGNORE CHANNEL') ? :unsure:

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • sqlmaverick (8/11/2011)

    I don't know how to attach the code separately.

    Putting the code in a code block is relatively easy. When you post, look to the left of the text box as you're writing. You'll see IFCode Shortcuts listed. Look for "code" in square brackets. You don't really have to use the ="whatever" in the initial tag. Just code in square brackets and then code with a back slash in front of it as the closing tag (in square brackets again).

    Also, when you post to a thread, there is an "edit attachments" button if you scroll far down and look on the right side of the screen. It will allow you to browse your pc and pick a file name (read the permitted file types list first) to attach to any post you make.

    Hope that helps with your non-sql problem.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • I'm trying to figure out your where clause. Problem is, I don't have access to your data. What would really help (besides sample data that is representative of your problem domain) would be a logic table that shows the different outcomes based on the different inputs that could occer in your where clause (shown again below).


    isnull(channel_cd,' ') = case when fbt.cust_no != '0306A' THEN isnull(channel_cd,' ')

    when isnull(channel_cd,' ') in (





    then isnull(channel_cd,' ')




  • Can you post an execution plan? I'd be inclined to say the first port of call should be your Where clause. Using ISNULL and case statements can cause index scans to be used as opposed to seeks, this depends on a number of other factors like fragmentation, stats/selectivity of the index being used etc

    If redesigning is not an option then we'd need to see a little more info in order to determine if there's any useful indexes at all on the tables.....

    _________________________________________________________________________________SQLGeordieWeb:- Jarrin ConsultancyBlog:- @SQLGeordie

  • LutzM (8/11/2011)

    Wouldn't the WHERE clause be equal to


    fbt.cust_no != '0306A'

    OR channel_cd in ('Correspond','Correspondent','Retail','Wholesale','IGNORE CHANNEL') ? :unsure:

    Yes, and if there's an index on channel_cd, then your version would of course be faster, Lutz. Natch πŸ™‚

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • best is to change channel_cd to be NOT NULL with a default of ''. Then remove all those horrid ISNULL(.., '') things from your query. And if channel_cd is specific, a nonclustered index should get you a spiffy query.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • I second ChrisTaylor's recommendation of first obtaining an execution plan. That will do wonders in understanding "why" your code is non-performant and where your roadblocks are. If you can post that back, it will open up more possibilities for recommendations IMO.

    And if an execution plan is new to you, I would really recommend a read of Grant Fritchey's "Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans" (Google it).


    Patrick Purviance, MCDBA

    Patrick Purviance, MCDBA

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