to find name of indexes by name of fields

  • I need to change type of many fields.

    It can't be done without drop all constraints and indexes.

    It's not difficulties with constraints.

    How can I build automaticaly sentences  "drop index ...", "create index ..."

    when I know only names of fields to change .


    Thanks in advance.

  • select

    object_name( AS TableName, as FieldName,

    I.Name AS IndexName ,

    objectproperty(object_id(,'IsPrimarykey') AS IsPrimaryKey

    from sysindexkeys as ik

    inner join sysindexes as i

    on =

    and ik.indid = i.indid

    inner join syscolumns as c

    on =

    and ik.colid=c.colid

    where objectproperty(,'IsUserTable')=1

    AND = @YourFieldName

  • It works great.

    Thank you very much, David.

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