Timeout Expired when Updating SQL Server 2000 Record.

  • I am trying to update a number of records in a table in SQL Server 2000.  I am doing this via VB6 using ADO.  But when the program is running, I get a Timeout Expired error.  It appears after approx. 70 records have been updated.

    the VB Code is


        Dim strUpdSQL As String

        Dim cmd As ADODB.Command


        If madCN Is Nothing Then

            g_strMsg = "There is no database connection."

            g_strTitle = "Connection Error"

            g_MsgCrit g_strMsg, g_strTitle


            strUpdSQL = "{?=call sp_uLabelAppsUpdateContainerInfo (  ?, ?, ? )}"

            Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

            With cmd

                .ActiveConnection = madCN

                .CommandType = adCmdText

                .CommandText = strUpdSQL


                .Parameters(0).Direction = adParamReturnValue

                .Parameters(1).Direction = adParamInput

                .Parameters(1).Value = CStr(intContnrID)

                .Parameters(2).Direction = adParamInput

                .Parameters(2).Value = CStr(dblWeight)

                .Parameters(3).Direction = adParamInput

                .Parameters(3).Value = CStr(lngRecID)


            End With

        End If



    The Stored Procedure is

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_uLabelAppsUpdateContainerInfo

     @ContainerID nvarchar(5),

     @WeightOfContainer nvarchar(20),

     @RecordID nvarchar(15)


    DECLARE @UpdSQL nvarchar(1000)

    BEGIN TRAN UpdLabelApp

     SET @UpdSQL = 'UPDATE tblLabelApplications SET '

     SET @UpdSQL = @UpdSQL + 'ContainerID = ' +  @ContainerID + ', '

     SET @UpdSQL = @UpdSQL + 'WeightOfContainer = '   +  @WeightOfContainer + ' '

     SET @UpdSQL = @UpdSQL + 'WHERE RecordID = '   +  @RecordID


     EXEC  (@UpdSQL)

    COMMIT TRAN UpdLabelApp



    Can anyone help as I am stuck!



  • hi kevin,

    at first try to switch of any compression on the file system.

    compression on data or log-files often causes timeouts.

    that may help.

    cheers, peter

  • Just checked, the compression option is switched off.

  • ok.

    with query analyzer, run sp_configure and check the general option-values. check the wait- and timeout-options.


  • Ok, done that


    I get


    query wait (s) -1  2147483647  -1   -1 

    remote login timeout (s) 0  2147483647  20  20 

    remote query timeout (s) 0  2147483647  600  600 



  • ok, your timeouts are not caused by compression and not caused by option-parameters.

    my timeouts in the past always resulted in unavailable ressources on the machine running sql-server.

    hmmmm... i'm running out of answers.


    Thanks for your help.



  • Have you tried setting the command timeout property on the command object (CommandTimeout) to zero. i.e.

    oCmd.CommandTimeout = 0

    This tells ADO to wait for the command to complete. You may still get a timeout if sql server decides to terminate the command. We found this helped and we did not have the problem any more.


    Thanks Jeet

  • Tried that. 

    All that achieves is that the program doesn't do anything...it just hangs.

  • Are you sure the program is hanging??, and it's not that the query is being blocked??

    Thanks Jeet

  • I'm a bit if a Newbie when it comes to SQL Server.  How can you tell if the query is being blocked?



  • there is a system sproc called 'sp_who2 active' and in the row for your process if the column blk has a value it tells you the processid of the blocking process.

    so if you run this at the point when you think your app has hung it can tell you if it is being blocked or just taking a long time.

    Thanks Jeet

  • Thanks for your help.

    I got it to work, I went trough my VB Code and took out any code that I really didn't need ( that's what you get when you cut and paste!).  Cut down my record set to the bare minimum and now it works.  Maybe it was running out of memory or something....who knows, but at least it works.


    Thanks again.



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