
  • Hi

    Have a problem with a VB program that calls SQL server.

    Its an application that is installed on the client computers.

    This is the problem:

    The program works perfect except for one person who is connected

    via modem to the SQL server.

    It works perfect for him until the modem disconnects and he tries to start the VB program again he gets a timeout error.

    If he tryes again he gets the same error.

    It doesn't help if he restarts his computer hi still gets the timeout


    If he waits for a couple of hours it works again.

    The table in SQL is no more than 20 rows that its trying to access.

    Anybody got any ide ?

  • Is VB redialing the modem? Sounds like more of a network than a SQL issue or am I missing something?

    Steve Jones



  • I think you are usind ADO to do this....

    The problem comes because of two properties:

    1: clintside connection property to be set for connection object

    2: connectiontimeout needs to be set to 0 for connection object

    If using command object than do the same for command object.

    What I am trying to tell you is try firing this with command and connection and direct through recordset object

    Hope this help


    Prakash Heda
    Lead DBA Team - www.sqlfeatures.com
    Video sessions on Performance Tuning and SQL 2012 HA

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