Time Slot Availability

  • I've inherited a table that essentially manages slots of available time. The existing table looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProctorSlot](

    [ProctorSlotId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [StartDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

    [EndDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

    [AvailableSlots] [int] NULL,



    [ProctorSlotId] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    This thing is VERY difficult to work with, not to mention the potential for dups. There must be a better way. Is there some sort of "pattern" or classic approach to this sort of thing?

    One of the primary questions we need to ask of this data is Get all the available time slots in "N" min. intervals that are between a start date and an end date and have enough time to cover a requested duration. The desired output is a one column table with all the available date/times in the requested interval. So the function request looks something like this:

    create function GetAvailability

    @startDate DateTime

    ,@EndDate DateTime

    ,@intervalMins int

    ,@durationMins int

    RETURNS @AvailData TABLE(AvailDateTime DateTime)




    The only way to get the desired output is to get all the candidate rows, and loop through every interval between startDate/endDate for each candidate, and build the output. This function becomes very difficult to write against the ProctorSlots table. There has to be a much better schema to support this sort of thing.

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks!


  • Are the data in your [ProctorSlot] the time spans already reserved?

    If so, you could use a calendar table together with a tally table to get your "N" min interval.

    I don't think it's going to be too complicated.

    And for sure, you don't need a loop for it!

    If you could provide the required table def and some ready to use sample data as described in the first link in my signature together with your expected result you'll most probably get a coded and tested solution.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • I think I see where you're going with the calendar table. Here's what I have so far. I hope this is enough code for you to see what I'm doing.

    --* Here is the simulated ProctorSlot table

    DECLARE @ProctorSlot TABLE(

    ProctorSlotId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,

    StartDateTime datetime NULL,

    EndDateTime datetime NULL,

    AvailableSlots int NULL


    INSERT INTO @ProctorSlot(StartDateTime, EndDateTime, AvailableSlots) VALUES('7/1/2011 09:00:00 AM', '7/1/2011 12:00:00 PM', 20)

    INSERT INTO @ProctorSlot(StartDateTime, EndDateTime, AvailableSlots) VALUES('7/1/2011 01:00:00 PM', '7/1/2011 03:30:00 PM', 10)

    INSERT INTO @ProctorSlot(StartDateTime, EndDateTime, AvailableSlots) VALUES('7/1/2011 06:00:00 PM', '7/1/2011 09:00:00 PM', 20)

    SELECT * FROM @ProctorSlot

    --* Blackouts must also be considered. These must be excluded from the results

    DECLARE @Blackouts TABLE(

    BlackoutId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,

    StartDateTime datetime NULL,

    EndDateTime datetime NULL


    INSERT INTO @Blackouts(StartDateTime, EndDateTime) VALUES('12/25/2011 12:00:00 AM', '12/25/2011 11:59:59 PM')

    INSERT INTO @Blackouts(StartDateTime, EndDateTime) VALUES('1/1/2011 12:00:00 AM', '1/1/2011 11:59:59 PM')

    INSERT INTO @Blackouts(StartDateTime, EndDateTime) VALUES('7/4/2011 12:00:00 AM', '7/4/2011 11:59:59 PM')

    --* Here are the simulated request arguments. So the caller is requesting all available time slots between

    --* 9AM and 5PM, on 7/1/2011, in 15 min intervals. Each slot must have sufficient time available to accommodate the requested

    --* duration

    DECLARE @ReqStart DateTime, @ReqEnd DateTime, @ReqIntMins int, @ReqDurMins int

    SELECT @ReqStart = '7/1/2011 09:00:00 AM', @ReqEnd = '7/1/2011 05:00:00 PM', @ReqIntMins = 15, @ReqDurMins = 45

    --* I know I need a calendar table here. The calendar table should span from @ReqStart to @ReqEnd in @ReqIntMins intervals

    DECLARE @CalTable TABLE (

    CalDateTime DateTime


    --* The only way I know how to create a calendar table is by looping.

    DECLARE @ThisInterval DateTime

    SET @ThisInterval = @ReqStart

    WHILE @ThisInterval <= @ReqEnd


    INSERT INTO @CalTable(CalDateTime) VALUES(@ThisInterval)

    SET @ThisInterval = DATEADD(MINUTE, @reqIntMins, @ThisInterval)


    SELECT * FROM @CalTable

    DECLARE @ResultTable TABLE(TimeSlot DateTime PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)

    --* So now armed with these tableS, I should be able to create a query that returns only the available dates/times with sufficient duration,

    --* but I'm not sure how to handle that one.

    SELECT * FROM @ResultTable

    BTW, Here's the existing code that I inherited. I think you'll understand why I'm trying to get rid of it!


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetProctorAvailability]

    @selectedDate datetime

    ,@slotEndDate datetime

    ,@slotDuration int = 15

    ,@slotPad int = 30



    IF @slotEndDate IS NOT NULL

    SET @slotEndDate = dateadd(HH, 36, @selectedDate)

    DECLARE @AvailableTimeSlots TABLE(

    SlotId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    availabledate datetime,

    availableslots int,

    canstart bit


    -- set the initial timeslots

    declare OLPSlots cursor for


    select startdatetime, enddatetime, availableslots

    from ProctorSlot where startdatetime between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate


    select startdatetime, enddatetime, availableslots

    from ProctorSlot where enddatetime between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate


    declare @starting datetime;

    declare @ending datetime;

    declare @available int;

    open OLPSlots;

    fetch next from OLPSlots into @starting, @ending, @available;

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    declare @timeupdate datetime = @starting;

    while @timeupdate < @ending


    insert into @AvailableTimeSlots values(@timeupdate, @available,case when @available = 0 then 0 else 1 end);

    set @timeupdate = dateadd(MI, @slotDuration, @timeupdate);


    insert into @AvailableTimeSlots values(@ending, @available, case when @available = 0 then 0 else 1 end);

    fetch next from OLPSlots into @starting, @ending, @available;


    close OLPSlots;

    deallocate OLPSlots;

    -- blankout any blockout times

    declare OLPBlackedout cursor for


    select blackoutstartdatetime, blackoutenddatetime

    from OLPBlackout where (blackoutstartdatetime between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate) or

    (blackoutenddatetime between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate) or

    (@selectedDate between blackoutstartdatetime and blackoutenddatetime) or

    (@slotEndDate between blackoutstartdatetime and blackoutenddatetime)


    open OLPBlackedout;

    fetch next from OLPBlackedout into @starting, @ending;

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @timeupdate = @starting;

    while @timeupdate < @ending


    update @AvailableTimeSlots set availableslots = 0, canstart = 0 where availabledate = @timeupdate;

    set @timeupdate = dateadd(MI, @slotDuration, @timeupdate);


    update @AvailableTimeSlots set availableslots = 0, canstart = 0 where availabledate = @timeupdate;

    fetch next from OLPBlackedout into @starting, @ending;


    close OLPBlackedout;

    deallocate OLPBlackedout;

    -- reduce availability by slots already taken

    declare OLPRegistered cursor for


    select er.registrationstatusid, er.registrationdatetime, cast((e.duration + @slotPad)/@slotDuration as int)

    from eventregistration er inner join event e on er.eventid = e.eventid

    INNER JOIN (SELECT ListItemId FROM ListItem WHERE Discriminator = 'EventRegistrationStatus' AND Code IN ('I', 'S', 'T')) li -- inprogress, scheduled, completed

    ON li.ListItemId = er.RegistrationStatusId

    where er.registrationdatetime between dateadd(HH,-12,@SelectedDate) and @slotEndDate

    and er.isactive = 1


    declare @id bigint;

    declare @regDate datetime;

    declare @loop int;

    open OLPRegistered;

    fetch next from OLPRegistered into @id, @regDate, @loop;

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    declare @innercounter int = 0;

    declare @innerdate datetime = @regDate;

    while @innercounter < @loop


    update @AvailableTimeSlots set availableslots = case when availableslots = 0 then 0 else availableslots - 1 end,

    canstart = case when availableslots - 1 <= 0 then 0 else 1 end where availabledate = @innerdate;

    set @innerdate = dateadd(MI, @slotDuration, @innerdate);

    set @innercounter = @innercounter + 1;


    fetch next from OLPRegistered into @id, @regDate, @loop;


    close OLPRegistered;

    deallocate OLPRegistered;

    --delete from @AvailableTimeSlots where canstart = 0 or availabledate not between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate;

    delete from @AvailableTimeSlots where availabledate not between @selectedDate and @slotEndDate;

    --declare @djl1 datetime = '2012-12-25 12:34:56';

    --declare @djl2 time = '12:34:56';

    --declare @djl3 int = 1;

    --insert into @AvailableTimeSlots values(@djl1, @djl2, @djl3,@djl3);

    SELECT * FROM @AvailableTimeSlots



  • Here's something that should get you started.

    A few things to notice:

    Instead of using an on-the-fly tally table you should considerto build a permanent one. It's quite helpful in many scenarios, especially when there's a need to expand ranges. See the related link in my signature for more details.

    Depending on the number of rows you're dealing with for proctorslot and Blackouts you might want to union those two outside of the cte into an indexed temp table.

    The grp column in the final output can be used to find consecutive time slots. Based on that you could calculate the available time slots with begin and end time as well as periods in between. Just aggregate ove the grp column.

    ;WITH cte_tally AS

    -- build a tally table on the fly holding a few thousand rows (at least 2k)


    SELECT Number N

    FROM master..spt_values WHERE TYPE='P'


    cte_blocked_periods AS

    -- get all time spans to be excluded within the period to be evaluated


    SELECT startdatetime,enddatetime

    FROM @proctorslot

    WHERE startdatetime <= @ReqEnd and enddatetime >= @ReqStart


    SELECT startdatetime,enddatetime

    FROM @Blackouts

    WHERE startdatetime <= @ReqEnd and enddatetime >= @ReqStart


    cte_minutes AS

    -- build a pseudo calendar table based on the date range and the requied interval


    SELECT DATEADD(mi,N*@ReqIntMins,@ReqStart) slots

    FROM cte_tally

    WHERE N <= DATEDIFF(mi,@ReqStart,@ReqEnd)/@ReqIntMins


    -- final output

    SELECT -- all time slots without a relevant entry in cte_blocked_periods


    DATEADD(mi,-(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY slots )-1) * @ReqIntMins,slots) grp

    FROM cte_minutes




    SELECT 1

    FROM cte_blocked_periods

    WHERE cte_minutes.slots >=cte_blocked_periods.startdatetime

    AND cte_minutes.slots <cte_blocked_periods.enddatetime


    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Thanks Lutz! That will definitely get me over the hump!


  • One more thing on this one. I also have a "Holiday" table. Yea, I know it's redundant, I'm working on getting rid of it in favor of the "Blackouts" table, which is why I didn't mention it, but it turns out I can't get rid of the holidays table just yet. I'm stuck with it for now, so dates in the holiday table need to be excluded from the available slots as well.

    My first instinct was to UNION the holidays into the cte_blocked_periods cte, but there are a couple catches with that. First, I'll need to transform the Holidays into a range. So instead of 12/25/2011, I need to figure out how to transform each holiday into 12/25/2011 12:00:00 AM - 12/25/2011 11:59:59 PM (I think). Second, the HolidayDate column is a "Date" NOT a "DateTime" which seems to complicate things.

    Maybe I'm just completely going the wrong direction here, but it seems like a robust approach in that I could support holidays that do not span an entire day.

    (BTW, I posted a similar question in another forum. I'll clean that up if you can help me out here). THANKS!

    Here's where I was going, but it doesn't seem to work the way I expected:

    cte_blocked_periods AS

    -- get all time spans to be excluded within the period to be evaluated


    SELECT startdatetime,enddatetime

    FROM ProctorSlot

    WHERE startdatetime <= @ReqEnd and enddatetime >= @ReqStart


    SELECT BlackoutStartDateTime, BlackoutEndDateTime

    FROM OLPBlackout

    WHERE BlackoutStartDateTime <= @ReqEnd and BlackoutEndDateTime >= @ReqStart


    SELECT DATEADD(SECOND, 1, CAST(HolidayDate AS DateTime)) AS HolidayStartTime, DATEADD(SECOND, -1, CAST(DATEADD(day, 1, HolidayDate) AS DateTime)) AS HolidayEndTime FROM Holiday


    Here's an example of what the Holiday table looks like:

    DECLARE @Holiday TABLE (HolidayId int identity(1,1) primary key, HolidayDate Date)

    INSERT INTO @Holiday(HolidayDate) VALUES('7/4/2011')

    INSERT INTO @Holiday(HolidayDate) VALUES('12/24/2011')

    INSERT INTO @Holiday(HolidayDate) VALUES('12/25/2011')

    INSERT INTO @Holiday(HolidayDate) VALUES('12/31/2011')

    INSERT INTO @Holiday(HolidayDate) VALUES('8/11/2011') --* Yea, my birthday is a holiday in my db :)

    select * from @Holiday


  • To include your Holiday table, you could use



    FROM @Holiday

    WHERE CAST(HolidayDate AS DATETIME) <= @ReqEnd AND CAST(HolidayDate AS DATETIME)+1 >= @ReqStart

    Just be aware the query against the Holiday table will be performed as a table scan. But based on the content of the table I wouldn't expect too many rows to cause a significant issue.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • That works marvelously! Thanks again!


  • Getting back to the design thing though. I'm still not crazy about the "ProctorSlot" table. I guess the first thing that scares me is duplicates. Is there a way to create a unique index to prevent dups? Or would I have to handle that in a trigger?

    If you had to track this sort of thing, would you use this sort of table design to do it?


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