Time Range

  • Hello Everyone,

    I am having difficulties to display data between 22:00 and 05:59.

    So the following query is generally working except for the above time range :


    FROM ProductionShift WHERE CAST(@date AS time(5))


    CAST(replace(convert(varchar,@date,110),'/','-')+' '+StartTime+':00.000' AS time(5)) AND CAST(replace(convert(varchar,@date,110),'/','-')+' '+EndTime+':00.000' AS time(5))

    The columns StartTime and EndTime are varchars(ie 06:00, 13:59)!They can't be changed. My thought was to short of 'construct' the date so can check the range properly. Like I mentioned, it works for all the shifts EXCEPT the night one!!

    Any help, would be really appreciated.



  • Here's an example that shows what is probably happening to you:

    DECLARE @ProductionShift TABLE


    StartTime VARCHAR(10),

    EndTime VARCHAR(10)


    DECLARE @date DATETIME = '2013-09-09 02:30'

    INSERT INTO @ProductionShift

    (StartTime, EndTime)


    ('22:00', -- StartTime - varchar(10)

    '05:59' -- EndTime - varchar(10)


    WITH dates

    AS (

    SELECT TOP (1)

    CAST(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 110), '/', '-') + ' ' + StartTime + ':00.000' AS TIME(5)) AS StartTime,

    CAST(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 110), '/', '-') + ' ' + EndTime + ':00.000' AS TIME(5)) AS EndTime,

    CAST(@date AS TIME(5)) AS theDate






    CASE WHEN dates.theDate BETWEEN dates.StartTime AND dates.EndTime THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS isBetween



    Here's one way to get it to work:

    DECLARE @ProductionShift TABLE


    StartTime VARCHAR(10),

    EndTime VARCHAR(10)


    DECLARE @date DATETIME = '2013-09-09 02:30'

    INSERT INTO @ProductionShift

    (StartTime, EndTime)


    ('22:00', -- StartTime - varchar(10)

    '05:59' -- EndTime - varchar(10)


    WITH dates

    AS (

    SELECT TOP (1)

    CAST(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 110), '/', '-') + ' ' + StartTime + ':00.000' AS DATETIME) AS StartTime,

    CAST(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 110), '/', '-') + ' ' + EndTime + ':00.000' AS DATETIME) AS EndTime,

    CAST(@date AS TIME(5)) AS theDate





    AS (



    CASE WHEN startTime > EndTime THEN DATEADD(DAY, -1, STArtTIme)


    END AS newStartTIme









    @date BETWEEN correctedDates.newStartTIme

    AND correctedDates.EndTime

  • If your end time is in the next day you will need to add a day to your date parameter.

    WHERE MyDate BETWEEN CAST(@date + StartTime) AND CAST(DATEADD(DAY, 1, @date) + EndTime)

    disclaimer: the above is pseudo-code for readability

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  • many thanks for the reply,

    I have been trying for hours to understand the problem. I will try and let you know.


  • It worked. Thanks guys!

  • Here's another method.

    DECLARE @StartVarchar(5) = '07:00',

    @EndVarchar(5) = '05:59'


    WHEN REPLACE(@Start, ':', '') < REPLACE(@End, ':','')

    THEN DATEDIFF(HH, CAST('1900-01-01 '+ @Start AS SmallDateTime), CAST('1900-01-01 ' + @End AS SmallDateTime)) + 1

    WHEN REPLACE(@Start, ':', '') > REPLACE(@End, ':','')

    THEN DATEDIFF(HH, CAST('1900-01-01 '+ @Start AS SmallDateTime), CAST('1900-01-02 ' + @End AS SmallDateTime)) + 1


    I don't know if you want the difference in minutes or hours, but I assumed hours. Other wise change HH to MI in the DATEDIFFs and remove the +1's.

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  • I think I'm missing something here but for what it's worth:

    WITH SampleData (start_time, end_time) AS (

    SELECT '22:00', '05:59'

    UNION ALL SELECT '12:00', '18:59'


    SELECT start_time, end_time


    CASE WHEN st > et

    THEN 1440-DATEDIFF(minute, et, st)

    ELSE DATEDIFF(minute, st, et)


    FROM SampleData a

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT st=CAST(start_time AS TIME), et=CAST(end_time AS TIME)) b;

    Note: The CROSS APPLY is not even necessary. I only included it to show explicitly the CAST that would occur implicitly anyway.

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    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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