time difference with two rows in the same table...

  • Hello,

    I have three columns in my table

    eventid comment timestamp

    1 fiu 2010-10-12 12:25:00

    2 abc 2010-10-13 03:19:00

    2 xyz 2010-10-13 03:20:00

    2 123 2010-10-13 03:29:00

    3 kri 2010-10-14 20:29:00

    and I am trying to get the time difference between the rows with same eventid

    and I have tried this with some friend's help

    select k.* from

    (select a.eventid,



    +substring(convert(varchar(8),a.localstarttime,112),7,2) xyz,

    b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp"

    from a join b

    on a.eventid = b.refeventid

    group by a.eventid, a.localstarttime, b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp") k;

    with k as (select * from (select ( select count(*) from k as e2 where e2.timestamp <= e1.timestamp) as rn, e1.* from k as e1) h)

    select i1.*, datediff(mm, i1."timestamp", i2."timestamp") from k i1

    left join k i2

    on i1.eventid = i2.eventid and i1.rn=i2.rn+1;

    error: incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.

    Can you please help me with that....

    Thanks in advance...

  • Your friend solved the problem using a CTE, which is a feature not available in sql server 2000. The solution can be reworked to work in sql server 2000, but in order for us to help you with that I'll need you to post the schema of all tables involved, with some sample data, and a sample output.

  • I am trying to understand this but my actual prob is that I have two tables(X,Y) in which


    'eventID' 'Station' 'StartTime'

    with 'z' no .of rows


    'ID' 'refEventID' 'Comment' 'TimeStamp'

    with 's' no .of rows

    I need to find the time difference between each comment with the same eventID (refEventID) per station and StartTime

    so what I have done is that

    select a.eventid, a.stn,


    +substring(convert(varchar(8),a.localstarttime,112),7,2) xyz,

    b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp"

    from X a join Y b

    on a.eventid = b.refeventid

    group by a.eventid, a.stn, a.localstarttime, b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp"

    so after writing this query I got the result like

    (eventid) (comment) (timestamp)

    1 fiu 2010-10-12 12:25:00

    2 abc 2010-10-13 03:19:00

    2 xyz 2010-10-13 03:20:00

    2 123 2010-10-13 03:29:00

    3 kri 2010-10-14 20:29:00

    with 'q' no. of rows and now I want to get the time difference between the timestamps with same eventID.

  • was that good enough or do you want me to post the contents in the tables X and Y as well.

    Please let me know....

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hey got exactly what I am looking for...

    SELECT a.eventid, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.localstarttime,111) xyz, b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp",

    DATEDIFF(second, (SELECT MAX("timestamp") FROM asom_comments WHERE refeventid=b.refeventid AND "timestamp"<b."timestamp"), b."timestamp") "difference"

    FROM X a JOIN Y b ON a.eventid = b.refeventid

    order by a.eventid, a.xyz

    really liked this solution....

  • need to find the average frequency of the comments for each eventid

    I tried writing this query but its giving me some errors...Please help me with this...

    select (select avg("difference") from t where eventid=k.eventid and "timestamp"< k."timestamp") average from

    (SELECT a.eventid, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.localstarttime,111) xyz, b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp",

    DATEDIFF(second, (SELECT MAX("timestamp") FROM Y WHERE refeventid=b.refeventid AND "timestamp"<b."timestamp"), b."timestamp") "difference"

    FROM X a JOIN Y b ON a.eventid = b.refeventid

    group by a.eventid, a.localstarttime, b.refeventid, b.comment, b."timestamp" ) t

    join t k

    on t.eventid = k.eventid

    but its giving me an error saying that

    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid object name 't'.

    My table t is

    12827 2010/07/28 12827 waitin 2010-07-28 18:50:00 NULL

    12827 2010/07/28 12827 wait/> 2010-07-28 18:52:00 120

    12827 2010/07/28 12827 check 2010-07-28 19:28:00 2160

    15167 2010/09/08 15167 test. 2010-09-09 18:35:00 NULL

    15923 2010/09/22 15923 testt 2010-09-23 05:21:00 NULL

    16812 2010/10/12 16812 wor.. 2010-10-13 03:19:00 NULL

    16812 2010/10/12 16812 fie... 2010-10-13 03:20:00 60

    16812 2010/10/12 16812 test.. 2010-10-13 03:29:00 540

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