Time Computation Challenge

  • Hi guys, can you help me with my homework?

    Let say I have @startTime and @endTime both datetime variable and

    I have a following lookup table for breaktimes:

    BreakTimeFrom BreakTimeTo

    ------------- -----------

    11:30 AM____|_12:30 PM

    04:30 PM____|_04:45 PM

    06:30 PM____|_07:00 PM

    11:30 PM____|_12:30 AM

    how can I get the consumed time in minutes from @startTime to @endTime minus

    the breaktimes covered from @startTime to @endTime? πŸ™‚

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • Sure. What all you tried for it? Where are you stuck?

  • Im stuck with the condition if the @startTime or @endTime is in between the BreakTimeFrom and BreakTimeTo.

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • Please post your query here.

  • What is the code that you are using? If we see the approach you are taking, then maybe we can help you adjust it. If we give our approaches (and I'm sure there will be more than one <grin>) then it may not help you with further developments.

  • I don't have code yet, that is what I am thinking of, so I it is open to all approaches just to arrive with the solution.

    Thanks for your cooperation! πŸ™‚

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • mhike2hale (12/9/2011)

    I don't have code yet, that is what I am thinking of, so I it is open to all approaches just to arrive with the solution.

    Thanks for your cooperation! πŸ™‚

    Then please rephrase your initial statement... You don’t want help for your homework; you want us to do your homework... Sorry to say, you are knocking a wrong door.

  • ok my apology, here is what i've made so far

    declare @startTime datetime = '2011-12-09 07:31 AM'

    declare @endTime datetime = '2011-12-09 4:31 PM'--540 mins

    select datediff(mi, @startTime, @endTime) -



    case when (BreakTimeFrom > @startTime and BreakTimeTo < @endTime)

    then datediff(mi, BreakTimeFrom, BreakTimeTo)

    else 0



    from HR_R_BreakTime

    but it is giving me wrong result

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • A good way is to see how you would answer this manually. For example - what would be the answer if you started at 00:01 and ended at 23:59? Go through the steps you would make in working this out by hand, then code it. Once you have the answer, you can then think of quicker ways.

  • Feeling a bit kind.

    I've left a deliberate flaw in the design for you to work out.


    CREATE TABLE #breaks (


    breakTimeFrom TIME,

    breakTimeTo TIME)

    INSERT INTO #breaks

    SELECT breakTimeFrom, breakTimeTo

    FROM (SELECT '11:30 AM', '12:30 PM'

    UNION ALL SELECT '04:30 PM', '04:45 PM'

    UNION ALL SELECT '06:30 PM', '07:00 PM'

    UNION ALL SELECT '11:30 PM', '12:30 AM') a(breakTimeFrom, breakTimeTo)

    DECLARE @startTime DATETIME = '2011-12-09 10:30 AM'

    DECLARE @endTime DATETIME = '2011-12-09 12:30 PM'

    --This is a tally table

    --Please read http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/70735/

    -- http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/70738/

    -- http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/

    --to find out more.


    t2 AS (SELECT 1 N FROM t1 x, t1 y),

    t3 AS (SELECT 1 N FROM t2 x, t2 y),

    t4 AS (SELECT 1 N FROM t3 x, t3 y),

    tally AS (SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL


    FROM t4 x, t4 y),

    --Once we have our tally table created, we want to grab all of the minutes in the day

    --from when the start-time variable begins to the end-time

    all_minutes AS (SELECT DATEADD(mi,n,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @startTime), 0)) AS theTime, 1 AS minuteCount

    FROM tally

    WHERE DATEADD(mi,n,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @startTime), 0)) >= @startTime AND

    DATEADD(mi,n,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @startTime), 0)) <= @endTime),

    --Now we do the same with the break-times

    break_minutes AS (SELECT CONVERT(TIME,DATEADD(mi,n,CONVERT(DATETIME,0))) AS breaks

    FROM tally

    CROSS APPLY #breaks



    --We join our two CTEs on the TIME value. This has a major draw-back when the

    --startTime and endTime roll over a day. I've left this flaw in deliberately, the

    --solution I've provided can be adapted to solve the issue

    SELECT SUM(minuteCount) AS minutesWorked

    FROM all_minutes

    LEFT OUTER JOIN break_minutes ON CONVERT(TIME,theTime) = breaks

    WHERE breaks IS NULL


    Forever trying to learn
    My blog - http://www.cadavre.co.uk/
    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/
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  • Hi Cadavre!

    Thank you very much for your response I just read it by now and tried to run all the possible scenarios specially where I was stuck, like if the @startTime or @endTime is in between the the breaktime is should compute perfectly and your script amazingly does it. Hope I could also help you in the future. Thanks!:-)

    "Often speak with code not with word,
    A simple solution for a simple question"

  • mhike2hale (12/13/2011)

    Hi Cadavre!

    Thank you very much for your response I just read it by now and tried to run all the possible scenarios specially where I was stuck, like if the @startTime or @endTime is in between the the breaktime is should compute perfectly and your script amazingly does it. Hope I could also help you in the future. Thanks!:-)

    Next time, remember to post DDL and sample data (read this article for how[/url]).

    Also make sure you show what you've tried.

    Did you manage to fix the deliberate flaw?

    Forever trying to learn
    My blog - http://www.cadavre.co.uk/
    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/
    For better, quicker answers on SQL Server performance related questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

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