time based reporting

  • We collect data into our database every minute. But data will not be comin at some point of time due to the application problems.

    say We started collecting data @ 10 am and data collected without faliure upto 12:46 pm and  data is not collected for next 10 mins and again data is collected there onwards...

    IN my reporting I wanted to show each minute's data


     time  qty

    10:00:00  1 

    10:01:00  4

    10:02:00  3




    12:45:00  4

    12:46:00  0

    12:47:00  0

    12:49:00  0



    12:55:00 7

    12:56:00 8

    and from 12:45 to 12:55 we  have no data collected. But still I wanted to show those minutes with no data.

    How can i do implement this in my reporting.


  • Hello Sahana,

    One possible way to solve the problem to build a table containing the timestamps in the first column, then do a left outer join to the actual data table.  A simple example might look like the following:


    create table timeTable (MinuteTimeStamp SmallDateTime)


    DECLARE @Hour   INT,

            @Minute INT,

            @Time   SmallDateTime

    SET @Time = '00:00'

    WHILE @Time <= '00:59'


            INSERT INTO timeTable (MinuteTimeStamp) SELECT @Time

            SET @Time = DATEADD(MINUTE,1,@Time)


    CREATE TABLE dataTable (MinuteTimeStamp SmallDateTime,

                            DataReading     INT)

    INSERT INTO dataTable (MinuteTimeStamp, DataReading)

    SELECT '00:01', 5 UNION

    SELECT '00:02', 6 UNION

    SELECT '00:03', 7 UNION

    SELECT '00:04', 3 UNION

    SELECT '00:09', 2 UNION

    SELECT '00:10', 1

    select CONVERT(VARCHAR,TT.MinuteTimeStamp,8),


      from TimeTable TT

      left outer join DataTable DT on DT.MinuteTimeStamp = TT.MinuteTimeStamp

    drop table timeTable

    DROP TABLE dataTable

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