Things I know for certain...

  • 1)  Hal Jordon is the 'only' Green Lantern all the others were a misprint..

    2)  Tom Baker is the only Doctor Who worth mentioning.

    3)  Chuck Norris actually lost a 'fight' to Bruce Lee.

    4)  Whatever computer you bought today will always superceded by one the day after.

    5)  People will always complain and be encouraged to complain about the 'president', 'prime minister', 'chancellor' but not likely complain for long about a 'dictator', 'despot' or 'tyrant'.

    6) Star Trek 2 will always be the best just like Star Wars 2 ( The Empire Strikes Back)

    7) Whatever neato technology comes out will always be bought out or pushed out of business by the Major players in the field. 


    8) While we might not like our situation, there will always be someone better off or sadly much worse. 


  • I have to say I agree with you on four of the seven points (#2 to #5); not sure about point #6, and haven't a clue about what it is you're talking about for the other two (#1 and #7).

  • Absolutely spot on.  Though I do thnk Peter Davison desrves honorable mention for Doctor Who.

    I might add:

    Whatever new management paradigm is proposed by the latest business guru will have worked for him or her with the mix of unique personalities they were managing at the time, but will be unlikely to be actually applicable to the general workforce.

    Technology is easy, people are hard.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Well at least for every american you have two things for certain:

    Death and taxes



    * Noel

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