These sql dynamic no work

  • Hello, I get these sentences:

    execute sp_executesql

    N'update ptype set @a=@b where ptype.nname = @C',N'@a char(1),@b int,@c varchar(5)',

    @a=@vartype,@b=@xqty ,@c=@xname

    and this

    execute sp_executesql

    N'insert ptype (nname,@a) values (@b,@c)',

    N'@a char(1),@b varchar(5),@c int',


    the variables are declared, the table ptype exist,the data type are similar, but these sentences no works, what is ti wrong? thanks

  • The Update syntax does not allow to use variable names on left hand side of SET stagement


    SET @colname = 'empid'

    UPDATE table

    SET @colname = 'Value'

    is not a valid syntax. Hence you are getting eror message.

    Alternatively, what you can do is concatenate the values while building dynamic sqls for the column names

    DECLARE @m_sql NVARCHAR(255)

    SET @m_sql = 'update ptype set '+ @a + ' =@b where ptype.nname = @C'

    execute sp_executesql @m_sql,N'@b int,@c varchar(5)',@b=@xqty ,@c=@xname

    Same explanation holds for insert also. The variables in columns clause not allowed.

    Hope this helps

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