September 12, 2013 at 3:12 am
Can you please explain how PIVOT is used in this query? i.e. logic behind the working of PIVOT in the query.
SELECT IsNull(St.alternateStudyCode, St.studyCode) AS StudyCode,
St.clientStudyReference as SponsorStudyCode,
Cl.clientName AS Sponsor,
FROM Activities AS Ac
INNER JOIN Studies AS St ON (St.studyIncId = Ac.studyIncId AND St.studySqlId = Ac.studySqlId)
AND St.isDeleted = 0x0
AND St.studyStartDate < DateAdd(Day,1,@ToDate) -- study initiation date <= the end date
AND (St.studyEndDate is null or St.studyEndDate >= @FromDate) -- study completion date >= the start date
LEFT JOIN StudiesClients as StCl ON StCl.StudySqlId = St.studySqlId AND StCl.studyIncId = St.StudyIncId AND StCl.isDeleted = 0x0
AND StCl.sponsorRanking = 1
LEFT JOIN Clients AS Cl ON Cl.clientSqlId = StCl.clientSqlId AND Cl.clientIncId = StCl.clientIncId AND StCl.isDeleted = 0x0
LEFT JOIN StudiesCategories as StCa ON StCa.studyCategorySqlId = St.studyCategorySqlId AND StCa.studyCategoryIncId = St.studyCategoryIncId AND StCa.isDeleted = 0x0
LEFT JOIN StudiesStatuses AS StSt ON StSt.studyStatusSqlId = St.studyStatusSqlId AND StSt.studyStatusIncId = St.studyStatusIncId AND StSt.isDeleted = 0x0
LEFT JOIN StudiesAdditionalFieldsValues As SAFV
LEFT JOIN StudiesAdditionalFields AS SAF ON SAF.studyAdditionalFieldSqlId = SAFV.studyAdditionalFieldSqlId AND SAF.studyAdditionalFieldIncId = SAFV.studyAdditionalFieldIncId AND SAF.isDeleted = 0x0
--Study link to Site
LEFT JOIN CboValues AS StCbo ON SAFV.cboRecordSqlId = StCbo.cboValueSqlId AND SAFV.cboRecordIncId = StCbo.cboValueIncId AND StCbo.isDeleted = 0x0
ON SAFV.studySqlId = St.studySqlId AND SAFV.studyIncId = St.studyIncId AND SAFV.isDeleted = 0x0
AND SAF.extractName = 'GLPSite'
LEFT JOIN Operators AS Op ON Op.operatorSqlId = Ac.todoBySqlId AND Op.operatorIncId = Ac.todoByIncId AND Op.isDeleted = 0x0
ON TypOA.typeOfActivitySqlId=Ac.typeOfActivitySqlId AND TypOA.typeOfActivityIncId=Ac.typeOfActivityIncId AND TypOA.isDeleted=0x0
AND TypOA.typeOfActivityCode = 'EAS-1'
WHERE Ac.isDeleted = 0x0AND (
(@siteSqlId = StCbo.cboValueSqlId AND @siteIncId = StCbo.cboValueIncId)
(@siteSqlId = AcCbo.cboValueSqlId AND @siteIncId = AcCbo.cboValueIncId))
) As SourceTable
FOR extractName In (
) As PivotTable
September 16, 2013 at 8:23 am
Can anybody suggest a alternate query without using PIVOT in the existing query? Urgent help is appreciated.
September 16, 2013 at 8:41 am
The query seems complicated but the pivot is really simple. Personally, I prefer CROSS TABS. You can read more about them on this article
and here's an example:
SELECT IsNull(St.alternateStudyCode, St.studyCode),
MIN( CASE WHEN extractName = 'TestItem' THEN TxtValue) AS TestItem,
MIN( CASE WHEN extractName = 'TestSystem' THEN TxtValue) AS TestSystem,
MIN( CASE WHEN extractName = 'Crop' THEN TxtValue) AS Crop,
MIN( CASE WHEN extractName = 'Organism' THEN TxtValue) AS Organism,
MIN( CASE WHEN extractName = 'QASystem' THEN TxtValue) AS QASystem
FROM TableAndLotsOfJoins
GROUP BY IsNull(St.alternateStudyCode, St.studyCode),
September 17, 2013 at 3:39 am
Thanks Luis Cazares, for your prompt reply. That helped me lot.
September 17, 2013 at 9:27 am
You're welcome. I'm glad that I could help.
September 20, 2013 at 3:12 am
Hi Luis,
I have a doubt.
How to post the SQL part and the result set as in a SSMS environment, as you have posted in your post? Please help me as it can be handy in future.
September 20, 2013 at 8:35 am
You need to use the IFCode tags that you can find to the left of the post editor.
For SQL Code, you need [ code="sql"][/code] (without the space between the bracket and code).
That will respect multiple spaces and tabs and will highlight most reserved words.
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