The Value of Doing Something

  • Good thoughts. I try to correct one thing for kids I coach as well. I don't know I'm great at it, but next season will be a nice test as I go back to a younger age. Need to definitely break things down and slow down the learning for them.

    I certainly find breaks helpful to my work. I often go to the gym and mull things over. I like repetitive things, cycling, swimming, somewhere my brain can only half pay attention and I can think while working out.

  • Good thoughts. I try to correct one thing for kids I coach as well. I don't know I'm great at it, but next season will be a nice test as I go back to a younger age. Need to definitely break things down and slow down the learning for them.

    I certainly find breaks helpful to my work. I often go to the gym and mull things over. I like repetitive things, cycling, swimming, somewhere my brain can only half pay attention and I can think while working out.

  • Funny you should say "repetitive things", Steve.

    Back when I lived in Melbourne and worked in the CBD I used to cycle to work, approx. 30 min each way.

    I found that as I concentrated on riding, my brain would process and file all the things hanging around from my day, and I'd be ready to insert myself into family life completely when I arrived home.

    Conversely on the way to work, I could mentally prepare myself for what was waiting to be done.

    My current role is WFH (has been for almost 10 years now for various careers and jobs), and it's hard to enforce that break between "work Stuart" and "Dad / husband Stuart".

  • @stur, I'd like to reply to what you said concerning WFH. I did that for 3 years and totally loved it. It is the best way I work. But my employer, like some others, has demanded a return to the office, without giving any reason.

    Anyway, when WFH I found that at the end of my day I would log off my work laptop, then go outside with my phone and earphones to listen to a podcast. It worked great for me. When I came back home, I was in home mode, as you put it Dad/husband Rod.


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