March 30, 2005 at 11:10 am
Too short, yikes it took awhile to try and easily summarize things.
I'd love to delve in deeper, and maybe I will, but if anyone wants to dive into a specific slice of what a DBA does, please feel free. Send me an article and we'll get it posted. Maybe we can get a whole series on what a DBA does
March 30, 2005 at 2:55 pm
Great article! Just want to add one bite on data is more important issue.
I think the data integrity is the most important of data, instead of G in G out. However, in reality, how many time have to break my heart to create new tables without establish FK link to its parent table, and how many time have to drop validation check constraint!
There might not be much to do in performance tuning with a bad designed db. Every one knows that we should do it right at the very begining in desigin phase. But in reality, in my career, 90% of employeers gave least attention in design mode. Right now, I am in a delima with increasing tables build up, so are the losing of relationship enforcement.....
If there is a choice, I prefer to be a data modeler to build the foundation of any project...., a virtual one?
March 30, 2005 at 4:10 pm
As a production DBA I also have two main reaponsibilities, however I see them as data availability and data integrity. I see restores, like backups, security actions, performance tuning, and all of the other DBA activities as a means to fulfill those responsibilities. I need to to provide my end-users their data when they need it without any unauthorized additions, changes, or deletions. If do this then I have done my job.
Good article... awaiting the next installment
Scott E. Davis, JPATS-TIMS DBA Lead (Go NAVY!)
May 13, 2005 at 3:22 pm
Next time anyone asks me this questions I will send him this URL....
Thanks a lot for putting all ideas Crisp and Clear
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