The transaction log for database 'mydb' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'

  • I got an alert The transaction log for database 'mydb' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP', it fills the log.

    And I checked the database is 32 GB, and set to grow 64 mg for data file and log file. Unlimited growth.

    I also do transaction log backup every 3 hours. and I see them successful.

    This messages comes up since Sunday to Monday which is  today, I did not see it before.

    What does this mean?


  • It means you need to back up your transaction log.  Maybe three hours isn't frequent enough.  Something between five minutes and one hour is the most common frequency I see for log backups.

    What do you get if you run this command?

    , backup_finish_date
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name = 'mydb'
    AND type = 'L'
    ORDER BY backup_set_id DESC


  • Capture

    this is what I got, every 3 hours, but I changed yesterday to every 2 hours. I did not got this alert before, is that possible there maybe big data transactions on this server when I got these alerts.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by  sqlfriend.
  • Yes, either one big transactions or lots of little ones.  If it's lots of little ones then you can just back up your log more frequently, as I already suggested.  If it's one big one then you need to expand your transaction log.  Is this an OLTP database, or do you use it for reporting, or something else?


  • You can look at the trans log backup file location, and see the sizes of the .TRN files.

    I usually backup every 15 minutes.


    Your 6:00 and 9:00 backups took 43 seconds, so there may have been large jobs running then.

  • Thanks, this is ECM Opentext software database server, I did not manage it until today I found the alerts. Asked their team they said some contractors are loading some data using their ETL application into OpenText manually.

    I made autogrowth of files to 200 mg instead of 64 mg, changed the transaction log backup to 2 hours  from 3 hours.

    It looks I  may need to do more frequent backups if this happens again or more often.

  • sqlfriend wrote:

    Thanks, this is ECM Opentext software database server, I did not manage it until today I found the alerts. Asked their team they said some contractors are loading some data using their ETL application into OpenText manually.

    I made autogrowth of files to 200 mg instead of 64 mg, changed the transaction log backup to 2 hours  from 3 hours.

    It looks I  may need to do more frequent backups if this happens again or more often.

    I do transaction log backups on my Dev boxes more often than that.  I have a job that checks every 15 minutes.  If the "log reuse" is waiting on a backup, then I back it up... otherwise, I skip it.  It keeps from making log files when nothing has happened in them.  It automatically helps absorb unexpected loads by wandering contractors.


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