The sub-total and total indicators must be retrieved by MDX in the cube.

  • I have a MDX Query like this :

    WITH MEMBER [Number of incoming mails] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_01_S - Number of incoming mails in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of coupons received from mailing channel] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_03_S - Number of coupons received from mailing channel in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of coupons received from another channel (fax, email)] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_06_S - Number of coupons received from another channel (fax, email) in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of coupons in Backlog AT DATE] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_07_S - Number of coupons in Backlog AT DATE in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of unusable coupons] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_08_S - Number of unusable coupons in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of usable coupons] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_09_S - Number of usable coupons in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of denied coupons] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_10_S - Number of denied coupons in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of potential subscriptions] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_11_S - Number of potential subscriptions in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Number of pending subscriptions AT DATE] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_12_S - Number of pending subscriptions AT DATE in Stock mode]


    MEMBER [Pending vs Potential ratio] AS


    [Measures].[Ind_13_S - Pending vs Potential ratio in Stock mode]




    [Number of incoming mails]

    ,[Number of coupons received from mailing channel]

    , [Number of coupons received from another channel (fax, email)]

    ,[Number of coupons in Backlog AT DATE]

    ,[Number of unusable coupons]

    ,[Number of usable coupons]

    ,[Number of denied coupons]

    ,[Number of potential subscriptions]

    ,[Number of pending subscriptions AT DATE]

    ,[Pending vs Potential ratio]





    [Dim Marketing Product].[Product Version].[Product Version]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaigns].[Campaign Country]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Market].[Campaign Market]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Partner].[Campaign Partner]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign].[Campaign]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Origin].[Campaign Origin]






    [ADP Mailing Management]

    Now my aim is to Aggregate (Sum up) all the calculated measures based on the dimensions given below:

    [Dim Marketing Product].[Product Version].[Product Version]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaigns].[Campaign Country]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Market].[Campaign Market]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Partner].[Campaign Partner]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign].[Campaign]

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Origin].[Campaign Origin]

    All the aggregation(sum) has to be done with MDX only. Considering the highest Hierarchy as [Dim Marketing Product].[Product Version].[Product Version] till the low level hierarchy

    ,[Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Origin].[Campaign Origin]

    But I need to sum up separate values from

    [Dim Marketing Product].[Product Version].[Product Version],

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaigns].[Campaign Country], ....till

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Origin].[Campaign Origin]

    Can you please help me out ? Thanks in advance.

  • For Example.

    Refer the figure.

    Considering First Hierarchy tree:

    [Dim Marketing Product].[Product Version].[Product Version] as "France Term Life + Assistance"

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaigns].[Campaign Country] as "France"

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Market].[Campaign Market] as "DIGITAL"

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Partner].[Campaign Partner] as "iQuitis"

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign].[Campaign] as "FRPDOF05PN"

    [Dim Marketing Campaign].[Campaign Origin].[Campaign Origin] as "IQ01"

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