the sql learning method

  • how do you access memory objects Pager/Per Sec and Available bytes? and what is a dbo? oh yeah, and what is the quickest way to learn what you know from the web?

  • quote:

    access memory objects Pager/Per Sec and Available bytes?

    Not sure exactly what you are referring to but I belive you want the Performance monitor in Windows administrative tools for getting the statistics that are not in MS SQL Profiler.


    what is a dbo?

    The dbo is a user that has implied permissions to perform all activities in the database. Any member of the sysadmin fixed server role who uses a database is mapped to the special user inside each database called dbo.


    the quickest way to learn what you know

    Parse through BOL and this Forum 🙂

    Happy hunting, H. Lindgren.

  • The quickest way to learn is asking here!! and reading the articles, too.

    If think that what you are saying about accessing memory objects, Pages/Sec

    is about the counters in Performance Monitos from Windows.

    DBO (Database Owner) is the user name that maps to the login name 'sa'.

  • Matt1,

    I do use windows performance and add SQL instances like memory, users, etc. This way I can monitor the SQL Servers other than the options giving by SQL Server Profiler.

    I keep this running at all times to be aware of any bottlenecks. There are several third party tools you can use like SPOTLite and some others, which allow you to monitor your SQL servers from your workstation. Good, but a litle expensive. Just a contribution.

  • well what are some basics i should know about sql?

  • Maybe this is not the best place to ask for basics 🙂 But we all got to learn sometime!

    Try to read BOL (Books Online). It (they) are included in SQL installations or online in MSDN.

    Maybe take a look to: for a small introduction to T-SQL.

    Or just try to search for SQL basics in any searchengine...

    Edited by - hanslindgren on 03/24/2003 12:44:59 PM

  • what is T-SQL? thanks for the link

  • MY suggestion = Go to and down load a trial copy of SQL Server. . Read the install guide and go through setting up your own database. Make sure you install BOL(books online). From there explore the Northwind and pubs database.

    Not sure what your intentions are user/dev/admin but from there I would pick up a SQL Server book I like the Osborne books - MS press doesn't think out of the box enough for me. Hey maybe that's the question you should have started with - What' is a good beginner book for SQL Server.

    This is an excellent site for your questions, but before you starting hitting the site with them try tickering with the product first, it doesn't bite and it's fun making mistakes on non production databases.

    Good luck

    John Zacharkan

    John Zacharkan

  • I agree, if you are at this level you shouldn't be looking at memory counters and such. Pick up a good beginners book and start from the ground up, this will give you a much better understanding of the product instead of just learning some specific details. I would actually recommend you to start looking at a good book on databases in general as well.


    Chris Hedgate @ Apptus Technologies (

  • I was pushed into a SQL Server DBA position when we migrated our DBs to SQL Server from Oracle about 2 years ago. The company did not have money to spend on training and I was expected to make this transition fairly quickly. I purchased a book called "SQL Sever Unleased" and began from there and also used BOL quite a bit.

    Now I use this site a lot. Its by far the best SQL Server site out there. There are new things one learns daily from it.

  • I can do select statements, order by, if then stuff. I can do table joins. The info i have found online from SQL Tutorials. I have SQL and I can use the Northwind and Pubs databases. Could you throw a query my way that would be used on them and see if i can get it right?

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