The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x8000405

  • Hi,

    I renamed my SQL Server 2014 this morning successfully.

    However, I got the above error when I 'New Maintenance Plan' to create a new plan:

    The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x8000405 (Communication link failure). The SQL statement that was issued has failed.

    Although I could use 'Maintenance Plan Wizard' instead to create a new plan, I still got the same error when I tried to modify it.

    I think the error came from the machine rename this morning, but I have no idea to fix this error.

    Have you got the error before?

  • Onlo,

    I have not encountered this exact error but I had something similar with linked servers after a SQL instance migration to a new server that used a different service account to run SQL. In that case the new account didn't have the ability to decrypt the communication from the linked servers and the solution was simple: drop linked servers and re-add them.

    In your instance you might have to drop and recreate linked servers.

    Before you try that, can you check that the computer name for the SQL instance is updated in sys.servers by running: SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server Name';

    If that name is still showing the old server name, please follow the instructions in this MSDN article to drop and add your server to sys.servers.

    Hope that helps!


  • Thanks for your information.

    I did the sp_dropserver and sp_addserver yesterday and had already checked with SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server Name'.

    The output was correct.

    Now, I will use Maintenance Plan Wizard to create new Plans and will re-create the plan if I need to modify it.

    Thanks a lot.

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