The Rank Window

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Rank Window

  • Nothing, really, seeing as there is not [total] column in the table...

    Just because you're right doesn't mean everybody else is wrong.

  • Er, the schema is in want of a column.

  • After correcting the script:


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesTracking]
    [SalesDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [SalesPersonID] [int] NULL,
    [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [PONumber] [varchar] (80) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
    [paid] [bit] NULL,
    total [money] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [SalesTrackingCDX] ON [dbo].[SalesTracking] ([SalesDate]) ON [PRIMARY]
    INSERT dbo.SalesTracking
    (SalesDate, SalesPersonID, CustomerID, PONumber, paid, total)
    ('2024-03-15 10:45:55.067', 1, 1,'PO965' ,1, 100),
    ('2023-09-24 10:45:55.067', 1, 2,'PO627' ,1, 200),
    ('2022-07-02 10:45:55.067', 1, 3,'PO6' ,1, 300),
    ('2022-11-03 10:45:55.067', 1, 4,'PO283' ,1, 400),
    ('2022-11-26 10:45:55.067', 1, 5,'PO735' ,1, 500),
    ('2023-04-28 10:45:55.067', 1, 6,'PO407' ,1, 600),
    ('2022-09-09 10:45:55.067', 1, 7,'PO484' ,1, 700),
    ('2024-03-13 10:45:55.067', 1, 8,'PO344' ,1, 700),
    ('2024-04-24 10:45:55.067', 1, 9,'PO254' ,1, 800),
    ('2022-06-19 10:45:55.067', 1, 10,'PO344',1, 800)

    --When I run this query, how many unique values are returned for the SaleRank column?

    , st.SalesPersonID
    , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY st.SalesPersonID
    ORDER BY desc) AS SaleRank
    FROM dbo.SalesTracking AS st;

    The results were: 10 records

    SalesDate                         SalesPersonID total SaleRank

    2022-06-19 10:45:55.067          1        800.00         1

    2024-04-24 10:45:55.067         1        800.00         1

    2022-09-09 10:45:55.067         1        700.00         3

    2024-03-13 10:45:55.067         1         700.00         3

    2023-04-28 10:45:55.067         1        600.00         5

    2022-11-26 10:45:55.067         1         500.00         6

    2022-11-03 10:45:55.067         1         400.00         7

    2022-07-02 10:45:55.067         1        300.00         8

    2023-09-24 10:45:55.067         1        200.00         9

    2024-03-15 10:45:55.067         1        100.00         10

  • I also tried it with:

    total [bigint] NULL

    Results are the same 10 records

    To get the 8 records, the select statement should look like this:




    , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY st.SalesPersonID

    ORDER BY desc) AS SaleRank

    FROM dbo.SalesTracking AS st

    group by st.SalesPersonID,;

    To get 8 records, the st.SalesDate needs to be removed from the Select statement.

    SalesPersonID total   SaleRank

    1                          800           1

    1                         700            2

    1                         600            3

    1                         500            4

    1                         400            5

    1                         300            6

    1                         200            7

    1                         100            8




  • The question was "How many unique values are returned?", not "how many rows are returned that contain unique values?". So, other than the minor quibble with the missing column from the table definition, there's nothing really wrong with it. There are 8 unique values returned for SaleRank, even if two of them are repeated.

    Just because you're right doesn't mean everybody else is wrong.

  • Schema corrected and points awarded back. Rune is correct, this is asking for unique values, of which there are 8. Two ties.

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