"The publisher could not be verified" when executing a batch file

  • Hi,

    In an SSIS script written in SQL 2005 I have an Execute Process task that's running an MS DOS batch file via UNC, but when the SSIS script is built, scheduled, and runs I noticed the first step, which is the batch file, just sits there. In opening the project on the server and running it manually I found that when the Execute Process tries to run the Batch file it prompts the user saying "The publisher could not be verified" on the batch file.

    How can I get past this or somehow tell the server this batch file is a verified publisher?

    Thanks --

    Sam Alex

  • Sam, this really depends on the application you are calling, not really SSIS. Most applications that can be called from the command line will allow you to pass parameters that will answer questions normally prompted to the end user, and some have a batch mode that will suppress all interactive prompts.

    If you can find out which command line parameters to use, the Execute Process task allows you to specify these parameters. Try calling the application from a command line window and type in "--help", "/?" or something comparable to see if you can determine what the application expects.

    By the way, what application is it that you are calling from SSIS?



  • Hi Tim,

    I'm calling a Batch file that saves a directory listing to a text file then renames it with a timestamp, that's it. So it's only this:

    @echo off

    set hh=%time:~0,2%

    if "%time:~0,1%"==" " set hh=0%hh:~1,1%

    set yyyy-mm-dd__hh.mm.ss=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%__%hh%.%time:~3,2%.%time:~6,2%---%date:~-0,3%

    dir \\Server1\DownloadDIR > \\Server3\Download\DirSnapshot.txt

    Ren \\Server3\Download\DirSnapshot.txt DirSnapshot-%yyyy-mm-dd__hh.mm.ss%.txt

    The SSIS script imports a number of text files downloaded each night from a separate process, and this is one way for me to verify the files were out there and with the correct timestamps in case something goes wrong in the SSIS script. I'm running this as the first step of the SSIS script, but when I schedule it I notice it never gets past this point... and if I run the SSIS script from the server manually it prompts to verify the application.

    The only thing I can think of is I'm using a UNC path to the batch file instead of a local directory, but I do this so I can test the SSIS script on my development box and publish it unmodified to the server. I'd rather not have to change file path each time I rebuild or use a variable to contain this path if at all possible. UNC seems to work well if i can get past this snag.

    Thanks for any suggestions...

    Sam Alex

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