The process could not enumerate changes at the Subscriber.

  • Hi,

    detailed error text:


    The process could not enumerate changes at the 'Subscriber'.

    (Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error number: -2147200999)


    Could not find stored procedure ''.

    (Source: XXXXX(Data source); Error number: 2812)


    The process was successfully stopped.

    (Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error number: -2147200999)


    I am trying to replicate databases over internet. I have created a windows NT users on both machines with same username and passowrd and memeber of Administrators group.

    Also i created sql user on both machines memeber of Sys. Admin group on the two computers. but i keep getting this error when i try to run the agent.

    and how can i drop a replication?

    PLease help me on these 2 issues.

  • Did you manage to apply the snapshot?. All the sp should be created in the snapshot.

    Maybe you should reinitialice the subscription to start all over again.

    To drop replication (entirely) first you shoud drop all the susbcriptions of all your publications.

    By dropping the subscriptions, then you can drop the publications. And by dropping the publications then you are allowed to drop replication by "droping" the configuration of the distributor and the publishing database in the publisher.

  • Are you using the same ServicePack on the Server and on the client?

    Please, make sure that you always use the same SP!!!!!

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