The process coul not read the file

  • Hi, I'm trying to replicate a database but the suscriptor agent send me a message "The process coul not read file \\server\etz...".

    How can I fix this error?



  • What account are your SQL Server instances running under?  What about their respective SQL Server agents?  How did you configure your replication agent to connect to the database - SQL auth or windows auth?

    I'm new to replication myself but I believe that you should ensure that the account that SQL or SSAgent are running under must be able to access that network share - otherwise SQL cannot go and get the files it needs for replication.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, or let us know if I happened to guess right

  • It's fixed, I reconfigured the publisher and the suscriber ansd it's working but now I have a different error.


    The process could not bulk copy into table XXXXX

    I have others publications and they are working well.

    Thanks a lot

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