The Oscars

  • RBarryYoung (1/30/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (1/30/2009)

    RBarryYoung (1/30/2009)

    Steve Jones - Editor (1/30/2009)

    The Beverly Hills Chihuahua was a long two hours out of my life.

    OMG, you poor SOB! :crazy: I am sure that I would have chewed my leg off before then...

    My middle daughter really liked Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

    Yeah, I liked the Banana Splits when I was a kid too. I couldn't stand 5 minutes of them now.

    I should have included this comment as well though. She also thinks Chihuahua's in general are evil. She had one give her a really evil look (no barking, just stared) once maybe a year or so ago. She's felt that way ever since.

  • We live in the country, so most of our films are via netflix. However we do now and then see current releases. Of those mentioned, I think some will fade, and others will be watched for a long time.

    Ones that will stand the test of time are

    Lives of Others

    Slumdog Millionaire

    Both are brilliant filmmaking, with excellent acting, very mature stories, and minimal cheap shots. Both are have aspects that hit you like a punch to the stomach, though.

    Ones that will fade


    Cute, but shallow.

  • There are some great recommendations for both adult and kid movies.

    I would like to add one to the list:


    I am not a great fan of Mickey Rourke but after seeing all the buzz around his acting and the Golden Globe win, had to watch it. Verdict: a very well directed and acted movie!

    And in the comedy genre,


    was a good one with Steve Carrell. It was like a refined version of the Leslie Nelson spy comedies.

  • just been to see "Revolutionary Road" - quite good, but pretty angsty

    best movie i've seen for a while was "The Illusionist" (2006) - captivating movie with a great ending...

    the worst movie i've seen for a while (ever?) was "Mamma Mia" - atrocious, syrupy and irritating throughout. Like a woman's magazine set to music except worse. I couldn't even sleep thru it, though i tried to do so...


  • Unless I missed it, nobody has mentioned "Milk". Our friends had to drag me and my wife kicking and screaming to see this movie, and in the end, we all cried. It was a great movie, about a great man, played by an great actor who absolutely nailed it.

    Do yourselves a favor and see "Milk".

  • Ivanna Noh (2/1/2009)

    just been to see "Revolutionary Road" - quite good, but pretty angsty

    best movie i've seen for a while was "The Illusionist" (2006) - captivating movie with a great ending...

    the worst movie i've seen for a while (ever?) was "Mamma Mia" - atrocious, syrupy and irritating throughout. Like a woman's magazine set to music except worse. I couldn't even sleep thru it, though i tried to do so...


    My wife bought "Mamma Mia", and she and all three of my daughters loved the movie. I haven't watched it yet, but I will admit to being an ABBA fan.

  • Wall-e (it's worthwhile getting the DVD - don't miss Burn-e in the extras!)

    Run, fat boy, run


    Some older releases:



    My gf & I saw "I am legend" when it was on the circuit. We were slightly freaked out; when we got home we clicked on the telly & the "Sound of Music" was on. "Raindrops on roses..." & all is well 🙂

  • Lynn Pettis (1/30/2009)

    She also thinks Chihuahua's in general are evil. She had one give her a really evil look (no barking, just stared) once maybe a year or so ago. She's felt that way ever since.

    Hate to tell you this, Lynn, but your daughter is right. Chihuahua's are evil! They are the great masterminds behind mind and thought control of humans. Even now, they are plotting our demise, testing out their abilities and improving them, controlling humans to give them more treats, take walks and rub their bellies on demand! It's a conspiracy, I tell you! Oh... wait... umm... one of my dogs is half-chihuahua... and I... ummm... need to go... umm... take my dogs... out for a walk... ummm... treats... ummm... right... cute dog...

    Yes, I would agree that Beverly Hills Chihuahua would be a long two hours, for me, the previews were too long.

    The best movie this year for me was Iron Man. It had the right blend of humor, action and, of course, explosions! The Dark Knight was good, was really good (and I'm a big fan of Christian Bale), but for just plain entertainment, Iron Man was better.

    Gran Torino was really good as well as The Changling. I went to see the Changling because I wanted to see what quality of movie Eastwood would produce with Angelina Jolie and I was greatly impressed.

    Wall-E was good, but mind the warning from GSquared, even for a Disney movie, the diabetes factor is pretty high.

    Not much of a Hulk fan, but the movie was pretty good, if nothing else, the specials rock (oh, and there are a bunch of explosions).

    As for The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake)... I will never see that movie. The previews were enough to make me ill and want to get on the next plane to Hollywood to burn the master reels. Most remakes are bad, some are okay and every now and then you get one that's on par or better than the original... but this one... all I can say is "Blasphemy!"

    Get Smart was rather amusing. I would recommend that movie, kids can see it though some of the jokes may go over their heads. And I don't care what people might say, I find the Rock amusing on screen.

    Quantum of Solace was definitely interesting and a good movie. It works as an interpretation of Bond, but it's still Connery (and Pierce Bronson close second) who are Bond to me (even though I grew up when the Roger Moore movies were coming out).

    -- Kit

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