The Objects listed above have already been created so the data can be accessed manually right now.

  • In a new ssrs 2008 r2 report, I am obtaining parameter values to pass to the main query of the report by setting up individual

    datasets that look like the following for each value in the temp table called #year:

    declare @user int = 1

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#year') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #year

    CREATE TABLE #year(

    Year varchar(10)

    , School varchar(40)

    , Calendar varchar(30)

    , taskID int)

    INSERT #year

    EXEC [text].[dbo].[procQCParam] @user

    select distinct year from #year

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#year') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #year

    I am told by the users that each parameter value will be displayed independently by each parameter. In other words once the user selects year, then the values for school are displayed. Once the values for school are selected, then the values are can be selected for Calendar. These I believe are called cascading parameters.

    Based upon what I described above, can you show me the sql for the cascading parameters and explain how to link the parameters together?

  • The title of the topic should be ssrs 2008 r2 using cascading parameters. I could not figure out how to edit the heading.

  • You filter the second (cascaded) parameter based on the first parameter.

    Given @param1 and @param2, the value list for @param2 is usually

    SELECT somecolumn

    FROM someTable

    WHERE someField = @param1;

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