The multi-part identifier “dbo.Employee Master Table Data.Employee Number” could not be bound

  • I get an error when running the below script - The multi-part identifier “dbo.Employee Master Table Data.Employee Number” could not be bound.

    Any ideas anyone?

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Employees.ESNumber, [Employee Number] AS EmployeeID_SH, Title AS Title_SH, [First Name] AS Firstname_SH,

    Surname AS Surname_SH, [Home E-Mail] AS [Payslip_E-Mail]

    FROM HRSELECTDB.selecthr.dbo.[Employee Master Table Data] AS [Employee Master Table Data_1] INNER JOIN

    dbo.Employees ON dbo.[Employees Master Table Data].[Employee Number] = dbo.Employees.EmployeeID_SH

    ORDER BY EmployeeID_SH



  • The problem is with the table qualifier used in the ON Clause for column "Employee Number".


    FROM HRSELECTDB.selecthr.dbo.[Employee Master Table Data] AS [Employee Master Table Data_1] INNER JOIN

    dbo.Employees ON dbo.[Employees Master Table Data].[Employee Number] = dbo.Employees.EmployeeID_SH

    ORDER BY EmployeeID_SH

    It should read as


    dbo.Employees ON [Employees Master Table Data_1].[Employee Number] = dbo.Employees.EmployeeID_SH

    And also, as a standard practice, I suggest you to add alias to all tables, keep aliases short & always qualify columns.


  • Excellent, thank you so much

    I take on board you comment too!



  • Another thing I would suggest is to minimize the use of special characters in database and object names. Instance names you can't always avoid having special characters (\ for example). But in an existing database you have to deal with it of course.

    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: for significant large values of 2

  • Hopefully I did it correctly for your databases and tables, but this is how I would have written and formatted your code. I am curious how you are using this query. The reason I am asking is due to the presence of the SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT at the beginning and the ORDER BY at the end.



    EmpMasterData.[Employee Number] AS EmployeeIDSH,

    EmpMasterData.Title AS TitleSH,

    EmpMasterData.[First Name] AS FirstnameSH,

    EmpMasterData.Surname AS SurnameSH,

    EmpMasterData.[Home E-Mail] AS PayslipEMail


    HRSELECTDB.selecthr.dbo.[Employee Master Table Data] AS EmpMasterData

    INNER JOIN dbo.Employees AS Emp

    ON EmpMasterData.[Employee Number] = Emp.EmployeeID_SH



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