The Model Database

  • Actually, MSDN is NOT wrong. You cannot make the primary filegroup read-only. This is actually a restriction on ANY database.

    You can make the whole database read-only however.

    So, this works:



    But this doesn't work:



    And, as I said above, even if you make model read-only, new databases will be created read-write.


  • george sibbald (2/18/2014)

    a new database only inherits ALL the properties of model if you use the GUI to create it and take the defaults. Creating a new database via TSQL with no parameters only the initial size of the .mdf file is inherited from model.

    Good catch about difference between T-SQL and GUI πŸ™‚


  • george sibbald (2/18/2014)

    paul.knibbs (2/18/2014)

    Hold on a second here. As far as I'm aware, the model database is used to create tempdb--so if model is actually read-only, wouldn't that then make tempdb read-only, and thus cause some really interesting problems? (Oh, and I also got it wrong due to reading the thing in MSDN...).

    a new database only inherits ALL the properties of model if you use the GUI to create it and take the defaults. Creating a new database via TSQL with no parameters only the initial size of the .mdf file is inherited from model.

    Nice insight.

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  • Isn't this a repeat of the question Steve posted 02/22/2012?? (Or at least the first part of Steve's question.)

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  • Thomas Abraham (2/18/2014)

    Isn't this a repeat of the question Steve posted 02/22/2012?? (Or at least the first part of Steve's question.)


    The discussion is a bit less interesting this time, though.


  • James Lean (2/18/2014)

    Actually, MSDN is NOT wrong. You cannot make the primary filegroup read-only. This is actually a restriction on ANY database.

    You can make the whole database read-only however.

    I agree, on what you said, however, one remark here. In the MSDN articles for the previous SQL versions, it was incorrect

    Setting the database or primary filegroup to READ_ONLY.

  • TomThomson (2/18/2014)

    Thomas Abraham (2/18/2014)

    Isn't this a repeat of the question Steve posted 02/22/2012?? (Or at least the first part of Steve's question.)


    The discussion is a bit less interesting this time, though.

    oh, thanks. πŸ™‚


  • TomThomson (2/18/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (2/18/2014)

    Hany Helmy (2/18/2014)

    Just a simple & basic info to share: "if you changed the model database to Read-Only mode; then any newly created database will be in Read-Only mode by default".

    That must be useful. Empty databases on read-only mode.

    Very useful - a database guaranteed to contain no corrupt data :hehe: as long as no-one with enough privileges changes its state.

    Very useful in those cases where users or developers have enough rights to create a database. Helps to slow down data growth coming from these unknown databases. That is until they figure out you have pulled one over on them.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (2/17/2014)

    The following operations cannot be performed on the model database:


    Setting the primary filegroup to READ_ONLY.

    Damn you MSDN!

    Yeah that can be a bit misleading. The primary filegroup can't be set read_only directly. But the database can be set read_only.

    It would be more fun if the primary filegroup could be set read_only directly.

    Here's a quick script for fun...



    SELECT name,state_desc,is_read_only

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE name = 'model';

    /* yup the database is read_only */




    /* that should result in an error

    Msg 5047, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot change the READONLY property of the PRIMARY filegroup.


    USE model;


    SELECT *

    FROM sys.filegroups;

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • It is interesting to see how much discussion a simple and starightforward QotD can provoke... Thanks, free mascot!

  • Could complain won't. MSDN shafted me as well.

    Just goes to prove you cannot believe everything Microsoft prints. I wonder what percent of them would get this? πŸ™‚


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  • Thank you all; for participating in the discussion.

    Glad to see lots of discussion around. However didn't notice that this question was asked earlier. Thank you for pointing out.


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  • Here's the link to the previous question[/url], for anyone who got curious like me but doesn't want to go through the QotD pages. πŸ˜›

  • Easy question. πŸ™‚

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