The Great Uproar

  • Wine tastings on a regular basis are a prerequisite to using the software. 

    Man, I miss PASS!

    By the way, this is great:  "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!"  Love it!

  • Dale - you didn't answer the second question - "need help" ?!

    Cheers and "bottoms up"! - hopefully the second phrase won't be construed as anything other than what it's intended to be...just don't know any more...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Access would be an intermediary end really. Unless you are using those nifty forms for data entry. 

    ...though it wouldnt matter ...I couldnt help anyway... NASA's hiring requirements do not allow for outsourcing whether it be to India / China / Or Canada ( hows that for cross posting )

  • Citizenship

    With the exception of the Senior Executive Service (SES), NASA positions almost always require US citizenship. The vacancy announcement will specify if citizenship is required. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you may wish to consider opportunities with one of our International Space Partners.

    How's that for exclusionary.

  • NASA may be interested in sending Angry Bovines into Space soon! 

    Just hold tight - you may be a shoe-in...   


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • if they do that would it be a case of when "the cow jumped over the moon"?!?!

    ps:are you calling GPF^... a cow ?! - don't want to be around when that one turns his scorching, scathing tongue on you...enjoyed all our "dialogue" though farell! Ta Ta!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • woman, oh woman!  Now you are on my list!!!  

    "The implication that I called GF^ a 'cow' is totally unfounded and without substance!  It was probably put out by some 'anti-cow coalition' hoping to call scathing and scorching down upon my good name."   [Further Press Release to be sent after the Hearings are over...]


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • GPF.

    Please don't feel excluded.  My husband has worked for NASA for at least 15 years, and has yet to ever get me in the door (not that he should or that I should have a preference because of that).

    I will not be working for NASA anyway.  I will be working for a NASA contractor, United Space Alliance.  Have you ever looked in the NASA contractors for their hiring policies?  I know that when I worked at McDonnell Douglas Space Systems, there were some international employees.

  • hey - I hail from the land of cow-worshippers - so 'anti-cow coalition' - you betcha!

    As for "unfounded and without substance!"....unless you delete the post about sending angry bovines into space...the evidence is in plain sight for all to - you're toast!

    ps:what "list" am I on ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • "Once again the 'anti-cow coalition' has attempted to besmirch my good name with its spurious implications.  I call for end to this 'mean spirited, scorched earth' politicing and a return to common courtesy and honest counsel.  My record speaks for itself.  The Public Record has been misconstrued and this 'sound byte' society of lies has taken over our once proud and pro-cow airways."  [Excerpts taken from of the long and proud American Political tradition of 'Deny, deny, deny...'] 

    -- my Big Marshmallow Around the Campfire [Big MAC] list....    


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • "-- my Big Marshmallow around the Campfire list...." - that sounds like a fairly friendly list - will see you there if you ever make it to the Hearings past all the flames licking around your feet even as we speak...

    borrowing from Dale here - "All the best" farrell..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • You're the Marshmallow...    (I just updated the post with it acronym). 

    A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.  Sir Winston Churchill


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Shushy... i'm just marginally SMRT enuff to know he's inferring to the incidents in Alberta, Canada of the Mad Cow thingy where the Cattle which were not happy... ill... where everyone pointed the finger at the gate being left open after the cow got out 

    FK would know better

    otherwise no pez for him...

    and apparently Canadian softwood for the NASA program is out too.

    although its not particularly surprising that Farrell would assume outer space is american territory... its the perfect place for the Monroe doctrine which is where it can meet arab foreign policy on even ground.

    I'm sure he will get to use the CANADARM to reach for that conclusion or any others in the near future.

    Yes: other arm of the Canadian space program is still having problems: for the guys in the canoe are not letting go of the booster rockets all at the same time.


  • that's just WICKED farrell - and I thought we were friends!

    btw - where's the acronym part?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • That's a great Churchill quote.

    Here's another good one, albeit ridicuously off-topic:

    I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.

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