The Core

  • Steve,

    I think you must have missed my point, because everything that you said re-enforces what I was saying, ie since no one person can know everything, they have to be able to problem solve efficiently, which inevitably requires soft skills.

    I would much rather employ someone who spends twice as long setting up a backup, with their head buried in a reference manual, than someone who never double-checks anything. The former person is going to cost me less in the long run than the second guy, when I have to call in someone like you to rebuild a db from scratch because the backup never worked.

    As far as most job adverts go, HR expect the techies to give them all of the job requirements, and do little more than check for criminal convictions. The techies on the other hand, only care about technology, and expect HR to deal with all of the soft/managerial stuff, so only provide a few acronyms.

    So using job adverts as a guide to what is needed is like only getting your wife a bunch of flowers on her birthday, because she told you not to get her anything big.

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