The Bulb Man

  • > "Your job is to determine which light switches control which light bulbs. What do you do?"
    How much are they paying me for this?  There's always the option to find another job!
    but seriously, this looks like fun.
  • I used a really big piece of paper for the 3 lines solution

    3 Lines through stars


     Gerald + Donald = Robert

    197485 + 526485 = 723970


  • Enter the 1st room and turn the light on.

    Enter the 2nd room and turn the light on -- wait an extended amount of time (2hrs?) then turn the light off.

    Enter the 3rd room and turn the light on for a very short time (5 minutes?) then turn the light off.

    Now go into the first room with the light check to see if it is off (room 4 which we did not enter), on (room 1), hot (room 2) or warm (room 3). Repeat for all the rooms with light bulbs.

  • Wow, you guys are pretty good.  The three line solution didn't show up yet, and it looks like no one's solved the prime number riddle (T-SQL would probably be a good tool to use to solve that one)

  • Berkeley has some rotten brain teasters, for those so inclined...

    I'm not!  (Where are the answers???)

  • Regarding the light bulbs, you're assuming they are incandescent.  If they are fluorescent or LED, the light + heat solution is on shaky ground.

    Here there be dragons...,

    Steph Brown

  • Finally I get the time to goof off on a Friday...didn't get past the first page...

    You're in windowless room with 12 inch thick solid steel walls and the door is welded shut.  
    You have a small table and a hacksaw.  How do you get out?
    1) I don't think there's even a ceiling - I'd just climb on the table and heave myself out.
    2) Don't know much about hacksaws but aren't there some good power ones that can hack through steel -
    the walls are 12" thick but they can be hollow right - the door's probably much thinner too
    heck - I'd have a lot of time in that room - so I can have a marathon hackathon session!!!
    You're in a pit with Saddam Hussein, a deadly cobra and a lawyer.  
    You have a gun with two bullets.  What do you do?
    Coming from the land of Gandhian non-violence (& snake charmers) - I would just charm the snake 
    into biting both Saddam & the lawyer, bury the gun & adopt the snake in a bid to get back to Eden
    & before-the-apple days! 

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Damn, somebody already posted my favorite glib answer:   "Google it".

    My boss came up with this:

    Smash all of the light bulbs and insert a small explosive in the socket.  That way I'll be able to hear it explode when I flip the switch.

  • Hmmm... might want to keep an eye on that guy   And I thought my answer was aggressive.

  • Of course there's a ceiling   Without a ceiling it's not a room.  A hacksaw is a small handsaw with a thin, flexible blade.  You might be thinking of a rotary saw with some sort of metal cutting blades.  You're also assuming the walls are hollow, but even if they were, how hollow are they exactly?  Could be that there are 6 inches of steel, a 2 inch gap and four more inches of steel.

    I can see an ethical debate brewing over the Gandhian non-violence   If you charm the snake into biting the bad guys, aren't you just as violent as someone who shoots?  You're still attacking them, just with a different weapon

  • Good point   What solution would you come up with for that situation?

  • As I mentioned in my solution we do not have a real good logical answer but after reading other answer LIKE , break the wall, smash the bulb , pull the wire. I find my answer to be more logical.

    Please show the image for 3 line solution.



    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • I shrunk the image down since the only graphic editing tool I have here is Paint.




  • Thanks Mike

    but what if they are just a dot and the size is not big enough  to draw that kind of a line


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • use really thick lines and if its thick enough.. you only need one line.

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