The Bowling Challenge

  • So will the answers be scored on? simplicity, sneakieness, set solution, lines of code, or all of the above.

  • I'd prefer a set based solution, but simplicity ranks high. Performance, sneakiness, lines of code, non rank too high, but might be used for tie breakers.

  • Today's newsletter says that the deadline is Aug. 6; the article says 30 days from "the date it was published," whic appears to be 7/22... So shouldn't the deadline be something like 8/21?

    Adam Machanic

  • Well I have a good chance based on simplicity then.

  • Any updates on the outcome?  I'm really interested in seeing all of the different methods people devised for accomplishing this.

    Chris Cubley

  • I guess Andy has been busy with the hurricane !


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Or he could be attending the GOP convention in New York...

    or could be one of the protesters... give him some time.


  • Im working on them this weekend, slow going. Giving everyone the option to change things not such a good idea from the testing standpoint! Anyone interested in volunteering to help me test, perhaps in exchange for a very nice shirt or SSC gumball machine?

  • "Giving everyone the option to change things not such a good idea from the testing standpoint!"

    I can imagine 😉

    Well I volunteer in any case.

    Sending contact info by normal mail.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • I'll help if you need more... Since I never bothered to submit my entry I will be a very neutral judge... Drop me a PM or e-mail.

    Oh, and by the way: I told you so! (see my posts earlier in the thread where I recommended you make standard inputs and outputs for easy judging hehe)

    Adam Machanic

  • I will also help if you need it.

    For your testing set, i believe there are really only 8? tests necessary.

    1. no strikes or spares

    2. 1 spare

    3. 2 spares in a row

    4. 1 spare & 1 strike

    4. 1 strike

    5. 2 strikes

    6. 2 strikes and 1 spare

    7. 3 strikes

    8. perfect game

    since you can combine some of these into the same game with some

    sub-10 frames in-between, probably only need 2-3 games to prove the scoring works.

  • Hi Andy,

    What's the latest on this contest?  Are we any nearer to finding a winner?

    I am very interested to see some of the other solutions to this problem.



  • Yes, very quiet on this topic for a while...


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • I've made a little progress, but not there yet. Im really sorry about this - I'll think twice before running a contest that is so hands on next time!

  • Andy,

    Ground to a halt? Perhaps the source could be published somewhere for comments... I'm sure it's not a major factor - but at least the one's which simply don't work would be identified fairly quickly.

    Can you say how many entries / lines of code are invloved?


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