The Best of 2002 - We Did It!

  • Makes sense, maybe we could offer a nice logo'd binder as an option. For ebooks where you're getting new content I think that makes sense, but would anyway want an ebook of material that was available free here, just a matter of getting it and organizing it? Or is it worth a few books for a nice neat compiled copy?


  • Hi Andy,


    For ebooks where you're getting new content I think that makes sense, but would anyway want an ebook of material that was available free here, just a matter of getting it and organizing it?

    definitely YES.

    I like the idea having all in one place, so i don't need to spent more time than necessary on searching. And I guess we all use the PC at work more often than a book in the shelf

    I think the Ebook idea is fairly easy to realize and should be less expensive on production, shipping....

    It might also be better for those of us who live outside the US.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • We'll think on it. So far our goal has been to get it in print - something tangible. Overall I dont think we're opposed to offering this one as an ebook, just not sure we want to do it until after we get the first print run handled.


  • quote:

    And I guess we all use the PC at work more often than a book in the shelf

    I like the book on the shelf. It's available wherever I need work, at home, on the beach, at parties, in bed with my wife. But perhaps that's just me.

    Larry Ansley

    Atlanta, GA

    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

  • Hi Larry,


    I like the book on the shelf.

    So do I.

    I don't know what it looks like in the US, but here I think sometimes I'm a dinosaur reading books, although press is announcing a renaissance.


    It's available wherever I need work, at home, on the beach, at parties,

    agreed, but ALT-TAB is quicker than browse the pages.


    in bed with my wife.




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Well my copies arrived. Thanks very much, looks good.

  • Congratulations to you all. No doubt all the hard work will be worth it.

    The time and effort you all (and the rest of the Yodas) put in on this site makes a lot of peoples lives, as in learning and working with sql, far easier. I, as many others, appreciate it.

    Again, well done!!!


    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • How come it sold out so quickley ?

    I have just recieved the newsletter, applied, and then - all sold out.

    Is it possible to extend it ?


    Aviel Iluz
    Database Administrator
    Pacific Micromarketing
    Melbourne Australia

  • Allowing later books on-line download for book buyers would be great, if you could do it.  I get so used to electronic versions of books, I almost fine the hard back difficult to read.  Regardless, it will make a nice addition to my bookshelf once read.

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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