The Best Kept Secret About SQL Query Analyzer

  • Dear Graham,

    thanks for your contribution.

    I found and read the snippet you mentioned. There is a fundamental difference between my article and this snippet. I wrote in details (step by step) how to do the task, so readers could repeat it... By reading these comments you can guess - not all readers could...

    As of today(five yeas later), there is no book or article that describes this simple task and people continue the old not efficient "copy and paste" method... In my article "Getting Help on Query Analyzer " I mentioned where to find BOL...And...there is no single line about this technique...

    This article has value for developers and DBA that present their reports to the users in Excel form. For DBA who does backup and backup and only backup it does not have any value.





  • Dear David,

    thanks for your contribution.

    I found and read the snippet you mentioned. There is a fundamental difference between my article and this snippet. I wrote in details (step by step) how to do the task, so readers could repeat it...

    As of today(five yeas later), there is no book or article that describes this simple task and people continue the old not efficient "copy and paste" method... In my article "Getting Help on Query Analyzer " I mentioned where to find BOL...And here I also was first... By the way, there is no single line about best kept secret in BOL.

    This article has value for developers and DBA that present their reports to the users in Excel format. For DBA who does backup and backup and only backup it does not have any value.

    Based on massive comments I could guess people need this article.



  • Dear SeekQuel,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested and works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy...

    Best regards


  • Dear Kumaran Govender,

    please, please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested and works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy...

    Best regards


  • Dear Graham,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    The point is you do not need to do copy and paste. Query Analyzer does it for you for free...

    This technique was tested and works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy...

    Best regards


  • Dear Lancea,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested multiple times in different shops and it really works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy its simplicity, speed and power...

    Best regards


  • Dear Alexander Yuryshev,

    As of today(five yeas later), there is no book or article that describes this simple task and people continue the old not efficient "copy and paste" method... Thousand developers do "copy and paste"...

    In my article "Getting Help on Query Analyzer " I mentioned where to find BOL... People do not know where and masters also... By the way, there is no single line about best kept secret in BOL. What is not described, not written is considered not documented. We love not documented system stored procedures, functions , tables and now techniques.

    This article has value for developers and DBA that present their reports to the users in Excel format. For DBA who does backup and backup and only backup it does not have any value.

    Based on massive comments I could guess people need this article.

    Best Regards



    Dear Mark Hickin,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested multiple times in different shops and it really works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy its simplicity, speed and power...

    The point is you do not need to do copy and paste. Query Analyzer does it for you for free...

    Best regards


  • Dear Sam C,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested multiple times in different shops and it really works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy its simplicity, speed and power...

    The point is - you do not need to do copy and paste. Query Analyzer does it for you for free...

    Best regards


  • Dear Vince Formica,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    This technique was tested multiple times in different shops and it really works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy its simplicity, speed and power...

    The point is you do not need to do copy and paste. Query Analyzer does it for you for free...

    "the empty cell on the upper left of your results grid" is called "select all boton"

    Best regards


  • Dear Sam C.

    if you do a search will find ten thousand articles on "Keyboard Shortcuts in SQL Query Analyzer". Ten thousand the same articles!

    There is no second article or book that describes this method in details.






    Dear WildGoose,

    please read this article again.

    Run an example or two.

    The point is you do not need to do copy and paste. Query Analyzer does it for you for free...

    This technique was tested and works. It does work!!!

    You will enjoy...

    Best regards


  • Hi Yakov

    I hear what you are saying, but if someone can't get column headers into Excel by following the technique published in the August 2004 edition of SQL Server Magazine (InstantDoc ID 43115) then in my book they have no business working with computers, let alone SQL Server.

    In my mind this is an excellent tip, it's just that it's not that much of a secret.

    More importantly, (and as sad as it is) I haven't had as much fun in a long time reading all the comments about your article 

    Cheers - Graham

  • oh come on! not the biggest secrets here but nevertheless. once you don't live in anglo-american regions, you'll be in deep shit with date-format, decimal-delimiting characters and so on.

    ever thinking of people using different formatting all around the globe? the same with QA and "plans" turned on. english version + non-english regional settings (decimal delimiter) will cause the numbers in the plans to be completely useless.

  • Thanks for the article - Ive been looking for an easy way to do this for ages.

    If it hadnt been called best kept secret, I probably wouldnt have bothered to read the article. In the interest of truth perhaps it should have been "a moderately poorly kept secret about Query Analyser". I may have been intrigued enought to read it. And I enjoyed the discussion as much as the article.

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