December 19, 2008 at 12:47 pm
First, the human brain. It's limits have so much uncovered and undiscovered territory.
Next, the Holodeck on StarTrek. It's limits only restricted by the amount of information provided it. It created Moriarty. It created an intelligence of it's own, and launched it into space. It brought, via Barkley, the ship to the super-beings realm.
I recon the mind has that capabilty also... if only I knew how to tap into it.
What is the essence of intelligence, after all?
December 19, 2008 at 12:49 pm
YES, it's definitely the Holodeck, an ultimate virtual reality :w00t:
December 19, 2008 at 12:58 pm
jcrawf02 (12/19/2008)
(summarizing BLandry) I think you just summarized the plot to Wall-E
HA!... You are right! Spot on!
December 19, 2008 at 1:03 pm
The systems in the Iron Man Movie & the latest Bond film (as well as the desktop used by the administartor character in the movie The Island from about 3 years ago) represent what we can realistically expect in the coming years.
While very humorous I have to disagree with the poster that said the systems in Iron Man ould not work. The Tony Starl character is a genious and it stands to reasen that the systems, both the 3-D imaging and the touch computing are all custom creations by himself. I imagine a 3D imaging device will be speerate from the main computer and treated as an input+output combo device with the core computer handling the calculations only. I imagine the core CPU would provide the vector values for the image and the 3D device would then render the actual image. The harder part will be real-time rendering as shown in the Iron Man movie.
The touch computing in Bonds Quantum of Solice is closer to what we can expect in the next 5 years, depending on how the economy goes. If there is an upturn then we could see another revolutionary change in computing.
Kindest Regards,
Just say No to Facebook!December 19, 2008 at 1:05 pm
blandry (12/19/2008)
(First - a correction for AndyD... Holly is NOT the female computer in Red Dwarf - that is Hilly. Holly is the actor Norman Lovett, a male computer who was in 6 of the 8 seasons of Red Dwarf, Hilly appeared in 2 seasons...)I have yet to see any computer, in any movie, that even comes close to reality. The closest there is out there is Hal from 2001 because at least Hal goes haywire - like most PC's and Mini's I have known eventually do. If I were God King of the Universe I would make it a law that Hollywood must portray computers as they are in the real world...
....So lets have movies portray what is really coming... Future computers wont be these sleek, failure-proof, save-the-day, know-everything machines - They will all be made by Walmart (having taken over the world in 2050), and they will fail regularly, but can be easily exchanged at your local Walmart.
Do you really want to pay $10 to go see reality? I believe most pay the cost of a movie to go see non-reality!
Kindest Regards,
Just say No to Facebook!December 19, 2008 at 1:16 pm
December 19, 2008 at 1:17 pm
jpowers (12/19/2008)
There was a story out this week on the web about a Japanese team who have been able to get a computer scan of brain waves to replicate black and white images that a test subject is thinking about.
(edit: found link was already posted to another response.)
December 19, 2008 at 1:19 pm
Chris Campbell (12/19/2008)
OK...if we're on to's another one...How about the "Fantasy Game" from Ender's Game?
It knows all of your weaknesses and fears and plays on them and then ultimately evolves into "Jane" the supreme, all-powerful, all-knowing super-intellgence that allows humanity to travel faster than light.
Ugh! I'm such a nerd!
Orson Scott Card rocks.
December 19, 2008 at 1:23 pm
I agree that the Iron Man and Island computers could come true soon. Cost might be an issue, but I'd like to see a 42" TV-sized desktop that functioned like a Surface, and had a pop-out virtual keyboard, allowing me to quickly shift between touch-moving windows and typing, and I might be in heaven.
Movies should give you a release, reality or not. Just entertain me.
December 19, 2008 at 1:55 pm
YSLGuru (12/19/2008)
The systems in the Iron Man Movie & the latest Bond film (as well as the desktop used by the administartor character in the movie The Island from about 3 years ago) represent what we can realistically expect in the coming years.While very humorous I have to disagree with the poster that said the systems in Iron Man ould not work. The Tony Starl character is a genious and it stands to reasen that the systems, both the 3-D imaging and the touch computing are all custom creations by himself. I imagine a 3D imaging device will be speerate from the main computer and treated as an input+output combo device with the core computer handling the calculations only. I imagine the core CPU would provide the vector values for the image and the 3D device would then render the actual image. The harder part will be real-time rendering as shown in the Iron Man movie.
The touch computing in Bonds Quantum of Solice is closer to what we can expect in the next 5 years, depending on how the economy goes. If there is an upturn then we could see another revolutionary change in computing.
I haven't seen iron man, I'm guessing he makes parts based on images and they are created.
December 19, 2008 at 4:07 pm
I like the scenes in so many movies (Bourne, James Bond, Clear and Present Danger, Ocean's 11-12-13...) and TV shows ("24") where, for example, someone types in a few keystrokes and then the screen shows the detailed building and room layout for the seedy hotel in the ghettos of Morocco where the bad guy is calling from on his cellphone... or how the "geek" member of the highly-skilled team of experts takes 15 seconds to hack into the casino's or government's highly secure systems and then takes another 10 seconds to take control of...well... everything!
No wonder geeks rule the world.
December 19, 2008 at 5:38 pm
For me and i cant believe nobody mentioned before is Red Queen from resident evil, but i have to agree a little on the hal 9000 side, but she does what she was programmed to do, like a good computer.. well at least until you reformat :P. EDI is good in the sense of good computer go bad and grow a conscience a go good again
December 20, 2008 at 9:16 am
Unlike the aforesaid replies about esoteric futuristic stuff, my favorite was a real one.
Back in the heady days when the 386 was announced. I went out and purchased a new 386 with a whole 1.5 MB of RAM and it had DOS 5 if I remember. it cost me about $3000
I then purchased a program called DESQview from Quarterdeck Corp and ye gods ! it allowed multiasking pop-up sessions !
At the time this was truly remarkable for DOS users and I used it until the kindly old soul Mr B. Gates brought us Win3.1 when I switched to real graphical windowing.
If I had to nominate another I would say, Dilberts internet ring.
December 20, 2008 at 11:03 am
Favorite interface: the Taelon's computer which responded to hand gestures and summoned a holographic console (Gene Roddenberry's Earth - The Final Conflict)
Rob Maurer
December 20, 2008 at 11:59 am
cyplesma (12/19/2008)
YSLGuru (12/19/2008)
The systems in the Iron Man Movie & the latest Bond film (as well as the desktop used by the administartor character in the movie The Island from about 3 years ago) represent what we can realistically expect in the coming years.While very humorous I have to disagree with the poster that said the systems in Iron Man ould not work. The Tony Starl character is a genious and it stands to reasen that the systems, both the 3-D imaging and the touch computing are all custom creations by himself. I imagine a 3D imaging device will be speerate from the main computer and treated as an input+output combo device with the core computer handling the calculations only. I imagine the core CPU would provide the vector values for the image and the 3D device would then render the actual image. The harder part will be real-time rendering as shown in the Iron Man movie.
The touch computing in Bonds Quantum of Solice is closer to what we can expect in the next 5 years, depending on how the economy goes. If there is an upturn then we could see another revolutionary change in computing.
I haven't seen iron man, I'm guessing he makes parts based on images and they are created.
Thanks for sharingthis URL, this is really slick. I knew about such technology existing but did not realize how radily available it was. I wonder how much one of these things costs though? This kind of technology,printing in 3-D and printing actual uasable objects and not just fragile replica's, will be whattakes mankind into the next technological era as it will allow for fasterand better production and tehrefore quicker eveolution of technology.
I just hope this tech is madde avaiable in the right places like in schools and I don't mean just high end trade schools or colleges but regularHigh School and even junior high levels if not earlier grades. I have a 3 year old who amazes me every day as to what she can do. My wife use to work with special needs kids in the school system as well as regular kids and so she knows whetherours is on average for her age or abovee/below the norm and even she is amazed at whatour littel girl can do.
When my kids hit junior high in say 10 years, this kind of tech should be standard in the classroom if we wantto maintain any level of competiotin in the world.
Oh and BTW, RENT IRON MAN, NOW! it's teh second best flick of 2008 (after The Dark Knight).
Kindest Regards,
Just say No to Facebook!Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 122 total)
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