The Best Computer

  • 2 Tim 3:16 (12/19/2008)

    I liked "EDI" in the movie Stealth. hit by lightning, rogue computer gone bad, then good at the end. And he was a new Talon military aircraft. (Jessica Biel was hot to).

    I agree, on both accounts!

    My vote is for EDI from the movie Stealth.

  • Definitely some great answers in here. You've got a Friday smile on my face!

    I'd forgotten about a few of these, never heard of others. DARYL was great, and I'll add one more. Anyone seen the short from Pixar, "Lifted" ? The aliens had the computer to control the body, hundreds of switches, a great 2 minutes of computer operation.

  • I'm not going to ask too much. I'd love a machine with a user interface somewhere between the one in Minority Report and the one in Quantum of Solace.

    Gail Shaw
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  • I loved the Pixar short Lifted! How would you like to have to read the manual on that!

    I fell that the robot Mr. Pibb from the movie "Zoom's Academy for Super Heroes" starring Tim Allen and Courtney Cox, deserves an honerable mention. I do not remember the specifications, but it was robot that was 30 years old and used a very small amount of memory. Quite remarkable for his time.

  • For me it is either:

    1) The T-100 in terminator 3. The part were it shuts itself down, reboots, and resists the T-X reprogramming, gave me a chuckle.

    2) Dr. Know in Spielberg's AI.


  • Man, the first thing I thought of when reading the editorial and before I got to the replies was Colossus and the Crab and it was like the third reply! I wouldn't consider the replicants from Blade Runner to be computers, but the computer that Deckard used to enhance a photo was pretty freakin' awesome. Bryce and crew from Max Headroom is a definite favorite, Amanda was such a babe. And though I didn't care much for the Matrix trilogy (never bothered with the third movie), apparently the scene in the second movie when Trinity takes down the power grid, it was an authentic *nix display and she was using it correctly. Or at least that's what I heard.

    My most hated computer is the laptop from Independence Day that takes out the alien mothership. Ethernet is not that universal, sorry.

    My favorite humorous depiction is any TV show or movie where the person sits down and just starts rapidly hitting keys: in most cases they never hit the space bar.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Johnny 5 (Short Circuit) is my all time favorite. After all he has a laser, megabytes of memory and he's funny as :). Tony Stark's system was pretty far out :w00t: and makes my current fav.

  • Slightly off topic I know, but the way films depict cracking passwords or encryption with just a few keystrokes (think the film swordfish is a wonderful example of this) Independance day laptop. and its seemless integration with the alien OS. need I say anymore!

  • Alan Brownlow (12/19/2008)

    Slightly off topic I know, but the way films depict cracking passwords or encryption with just a few keystrokes (think the film swordfish is a wonderful example of this) Independance day laptop. and its seemless integration with the alien OS. need I say anymore!

    and huge red progress bars for money transfers! "It's started ... one million ... ... ... ... two million ... ... "

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  • I will admit that the rig Jackman had in Swordfish was pretty awesome. It didn't make much sense, but it was cool. I am always amused by the computers that brute force passwords, and apparently the computer being hacked is nice enough to say "Ooh, you got the first position correct! And there's the fifth!"

    Funny, I seem to remember most systems being "three strikes and you're out".

    Personally, I think Tony Stark's haptic/holographic CAD system would probably crash with the DRM error that the video card is connected to a non-compliant output device.

    And totally off-topic, but one of my all-time favorite Slashdot signatures was "You have moved your mouse. Windows will now reboot." Ah, the good^H^H^H^Hbad old days.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Hasn't anyone mentioned the main computer on the original Starship Enterprise?

    I loved those little disks Spock slipped into slots on various tables / stations.

    And the voice 🙂

  • I must live a sheltered life. I haven't seen half of the movies mentioned. My votes would be:

    1. Iron Man computer

    2. The computer system used by the bad guys in Die Hard 4

    3. The holographic computer in Star Wars that show the battle scenes.

  • For me it's True Lies and the Windows 3.1 computer in Arabic. Arnold plugs a little device into it that lets it be controlled remotely (serial-port WiFi?) from the van, and then goes off and tangos with ... well anyway I'm getting off topic 🙂

  • Wayne West (12/19/2008)

    Man, the first thing I thought of when reading the editorial and before I got to the replies was Colossus and the Crab and it was like the third reply! I wouldn't consider the replicants from Blade Runner to be computers, but the computer that Deckard used to enhance a photo was pretty freakin' awesome. Bryce and crew from Max Headroom is a definite favorite, Amanda was such a babe. And though I didn't care much for the Matrix trilogy (never bothered with the third movie), apparently the scene in the second movie when Trinity takes down the power grid, it was an authentic *nix display and she was using it correctly. Or at least that's what I heard.

    My most hated computer is the laptop from Independence Day that takes out the alien mothership. Ethernet is not that universal, sorry.

    My favorite humorous depiction is any TV show or movie where the person sits down and just starts rapidly hitting keys: in most cases they never hit the space bar.

    Fair enough regarding the replicants.

    Has anyone mentioned Tron yet? That movie was pretty cool.

    Happy holidays to all,


    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • I really like Twiki and Dr. Theopolis from Buck Rogers when I was a kid. :w00t: And I really liked the concept of looking back in time used in Deja Vu [/url].

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