The Active DBA

  • gischimp (8/8/2008)I'll bet everyone who is 40 + years old will agree that it's harder to stay with it as you get older but even more important.

    Speak for yourself gischimp, I am 49 and still going strong. Have a couple of things that hamper me like my hips but I don't actually see it as hampering but rather as a challenge to go it even more. No formal activities in sport or gym but I walk a lot and when I do I always try to get as much exercise out of it as possible.

    Steve, a question for you. Why is it that whenever you write articles it is always about being a DBA? Do you realise how may developers visit this website? No offence, because I think this is a great website and this site is going to help me become an exeptional DBA. But in my heart I will always be a developer as well.

    Nice article here. Keep up the good work.


    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • gischimp (8/8/2008)

    I'll bet everyone who is 40 + years old will agree that it's harder to stay with it as you get older but even more important. I don't look at it as time lost but as an investment in my future health....

    Amen to that! I trained in the martial arts from when I was 25 for about 10 years... got away from it and recently got back into in at 42.... it wasn't easy but like anything worthwhile it takes committment.

  • Slightly different one here - I have a horse so ride her every day - what with riding, cleaning out stables, walking her down to the field - keeps me very fit and outdoors a lot - in all weathers 😀

    Fantastic after a bad day at work too - lovely friendly face that is always looking forwards to seeing me (even if it is only because she knows I'll give her dinner!)

  • It would be grate, if someone could develop a site or suggest any sites with recommendations of quick and easy exercises for busy buddies spend most of their time in front of CRTs.

    Recently, I attended a SQL conference ( , scroll down to view photos) and counted 4/10 people who are belly buddies, which includes myself too.

    Some of your replies are encouraging, but most of us aren't lucky enough to

    spend time as heavy workload, family etc.

    Is there anything that we can use or do while working on our desks ?



  • To make the stress go away, I run 2 miles, 3 times a week. Once or twice a week I make time to paddle my kayak for several hours. I sail on Lake Michigan when weather permits.

    I'm 51 and perform multiple duties surrounding database for a company that doesn't understand the value of their data. Each day is a battle to protect them from themselves.

    So if I couldn't burn off my work stress with exercise I'd go crazy.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  • I take martial arts training twice a week and I help teach it once a week. I spend a couple of hours most weekends splitting wood. In between times, I do a bit of heavy bag work (I'll be glad to teach anyone how to do Tabata's on the heavy bag, if the room doesn't spin when you're done, you're not doing it right), some calisthenics, a bit with weights, the exercise ball, stuff like that. I help run a Cub Scout pack as the Cub Master and I instituted a monthly hike last year, so I'm putting in a few miles at that every month, including climbing three mountains this summer. When the time crunch isn't too severe I kayak on the local lakes & rivers, especially the Blackstone. Like Gail I do a bit of archery (English longbow). I try to get out hunting at least once a year too.

    Despite all this, I'm a bit too enamored of beer and food, so I'm still about 12 pounds overweight. It's hard to keep the weight off when most of the time I'm polishing a chair with my butt.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thayal Muhunthan (8/8/2008)

    Is there anything that we can use or do while working on our desks ?


    I'll drop and do 10 pushups in my office a couple of times a day. Not as much benefit, but it wakes me up when coffee starts to wear off.

  • I try and play tennis 2-3 times a week. When I don't have a match scheduled I take group lessons (also helps with the conditioning). On weekends I tend to do yardwork and projects outside (just because I've been inside most of the week).

    I've been thinking that I should start running again, but will wait until it cools down (way too many 100 degree days here in Austin, Texas).

    Mike Byrd

    Senior Database Developer

    Newgistics, Inc.

    Mike Byrd

  • I started to do triathlons a couple of years ago. I am doing my first half Ironman in a week. (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13 mile run) I hope to do a full Ironman in a few years.

  • I'm surprised how many of the readers here are into martial arts. I hope I don't run into any in a dark alley after my next tech conference. :w00t:

    I try to go on a treadmill at least 3x per week. One with a TV nearby so I can catch up on news or whatever.

    I used to enjoy hiking and I should probably get back into that. I think excercise works best when it has some soft of enjoyable element.

    “Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”

  • Keeping active...

    I take 3 hours of martial arts classes per week, and on a daily basis, I walk the dog every morning before heading into the office and spurn the lift to and from my 2nd floor office. If the weather is OK, I get out for a walk around the block at lunchtimes.

    I also 'try' to get to the gym at least once a week and engage in more fun exercise whenever I get the chance (cycling, sailing, paragliding and canoing are high on the list of favorites. I'm also hoping to take up kite-boarding with my eldest son next spring, so that will give me something else to keep me out of trouble. 🙂

    Assumption is the mother of all F***ups

  • I used to take my work home with me but I finally got smart and took a part time job working on a golf course. I love it, I am out in the sun, doing manual labor, getting paid and all the free golf I can fit in.


  • Someguy (8/8/2008)

    I'm surprised how many of the readers here are into martial arts.

    There's an interesting correlation between IT (and the wider science field) and martial arts. When I was at university, one year we found that all the members of the aikido were Faculty of Science students or staff.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Woodchopping with a nice sharp axe. No wimpy log splitter or chain saw for me. 😉 Woodchopping is amazingly therapeutic. I chop the neighbors wood whenever I need exercise or relieve stress. In the winter, I use a shovel instead of a snowblower. I use a snowblower only if I'm in a time crunch or the snowfall is nearly a foot.

  • skjoldtc (8/8/2008)

    Woodchopping with a nice sharp axe. No wimpy log splitter or chain saw for me. 😉 Woodchopping is amazingly therapeutic. I chop the neighbors wood whenever I need exercise or relieve stress. In the winter, I use a shovel instead of a snowblower. I use a snowblower only if I'm in a time crunch or the snowfall is nearly a foot.

    I have a half a cord out back that needs splitting if you're stressed...;)

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