Textfile problem

  • When importing a text file everyday I sometimes get the error 'Error at source for Row number XXXXX. Errors ecountered so far 1. Too many columns found in the current row; non-whitespace characters were found after the last defined column`s data'

    This is an MSProxy log and it only happens every now and again. I checked the error with msdn, and it says it`s cured in sql2k sp 2. I installed this, but nothing changed. Any ideas??


  • Andy,

    Have you opened the offending file in Notepad to see what's going on?

    I've had a similar issue with Rhumba 2000's data file transfer. This program brings data down daily into a text file. It appearantly does not put a line feed after the last data downloaded. If a second days' data is appended to the file, the first caracter of the second download appears to the right of a CR like character on the last line of the first download and fouls my dts package.

    The only thing I can think of, is to put the file through a pre-process that would loop through the file and if the length of the line is greater than x characters dump the extra data into your own log file. If you're having the same trouble I am where lines are doubling up, this process could break the long line into two lines. It's also possible that your field definition may need to change.

    Good luck,


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