textcopy loop

  • I'm using textcopy from a stored procedure to create photo's from a SQL 2k DB.

    I call the sp from a second sp which loops through records using a cursor.

    The problem is it only produces 22 out of 458 photo's. In debug mode the sp that executes the textcopy stalls on 'EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell @cmd' while the calling sp keeps running and looping through records indefinitely.

    I've tried pausing for 5 secs after each loop, nothing changed.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.



  • Can you paste the code here..

  • here it is:

    declare @fullname  varchar(100),

    @runpath varchar(100), -- textCopy Location

     @srvr varchar(50), -- server TO LOAD

     @db varchar(50), -- DATABASE TO LOAD

     @usr varchar(50), -- login USER

     @pwd varchar(50), -- login password

     @tbl varchar(50), -- TABLE TO load/unload

     @col varchar(50), -- COLUMN TO load/unload

     @whr varchar(200), -- WHERE clause

     @fil varchar(1000), -- filename including path

     @mod char(1), -- I FOR LOAD INTO Sql , O FOR output FROM SQL

     @n varchar(20)

    set @runpath = 'C:\textCopy.exe'

    set @srvr = 'server'

    set @db = 'database'

    set @usr = 'username'

    set @pwd = 'password'

    set @tbl = 'dbo.tablename'

    set @col = 'columnname'

    set @whr = ' " WHERE person_ref = '  -- add ref

    set @fil = '\\Lincssps\c$\Inetpub\Images_Staff\'  -- add file name

    set @mod = 'O'


    set @whr = @whr + '''0000000059'' " '

    --set @fil = @fil + 'AnyName.jpg'


    Declare emp_cursor cursor for

    SELECT person_ref,(forename1 + ' ' + surname + ' - ' + job) as fullname FROM v_NameLatestPosition

    open emp_cursor

    fetch next from emp_cursor into @n,@fullname

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @whr = @whr + '''' + @n + ''' " '

    set @fil = ' "' + @fil + @fullname + '.jpg" '

    exec dbo.coffs_imp_exp_images @runpath,@srvr,@db,@usr,@pwd,@tbl,@col,@whr,@fil,@mod

    set @whr = ' " WHERE person_ref = '  -- add ref

    set @fil = '\\Lincssps\c$\Inetpub\Images_Staff\'  -- add file name

    fetch next from emp_cursor into @n,@fullname


    close emp_cursor

    deallocate emp_cursor


    coffs_imp_exp_images code just compiles the textcopy command and executes it.

    I'm trying to sort the data to see if thats doing it.


  • found the problem, it was the data, textcopy.exe must only allow 58 characters in it's file name.


    if datalength(@fullname)>58


    set @fullname = replace(@fullname,' - ','-')

    set @fullname = substring(@fullname,1,58)

    print @fullname


    Thanks... me

  • It's so nice to get an answer from someone really smart!

    Code for TallyGenerator

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